David Ramsey has been talking a lot about his character in Arrow Season 6, so we know John Diggle isn’t dead. However, statements from Ramsey at Heroes and Villains Fest in New Jersey suggest something serious has happened to Diggle in last season's finale when we pick back up with him in the premiere.
“Yeah [sighs], yeah this whole ruse of who is alive who is dead, I don’t know. In terms of John Diggle, you’re going to see a bit of a role reversal between he and Oliver. Oliver is going to be much more of the mentor. Diggle is going to be going through some things. He’s going to be more emotionally taxed than the death of his brother and the Canary. It’s going to affect himself, his family and the whole team. There’s a big emotional rollercoaster for Team Arrow and Diggle is going to be a part of that.”

There’s still no clues about what exactly is going to leave Team Arrow so distraught. One theory is Thea dies or gets injured. Something happening to her would certainly leave an impact more than other, newer characters such as Wild Dog or Mr. Terrific. However, Ramsey also brought up the fact that the effects of Flashpoint aren’t over when he started talking about baby Sara.

“I miss baby Sara so much, and I love baby John Diggle, but every time me and Leila were in the moment and the camera would pan over to baby Sara she would always have some look, like [does impression]. When she was on the back of my motorcycle when I was being chased by HIVE or whatever, she was like, “I’m with Dad,” Ramsey said with a grin. “She had the greatest looks and mugs. I really do miss the actress. I think she moved to Toronto.”

It’s funny Ramsey mentioned Sara around the same time he said “We’re still not done with some of the stuff with Flashpoint,” the event on The Flash that turned baby Sara into baby John Jr. If you remember from the Legends of Tomorrow Star City 2046 episode, John Jr. becomes the second Green Arrow after his father’s death. Deathstroke’s son, Grant Wilson, takes on his father’s name and the two battle it out. If some Flashpoint stuff is still in play, who knows whether that possible future where Star City falls to Deathstroke remains intact.
Even more, Oliver will fulfill the promise he made to Deathstroke in the Season 5 finale: finding Joe Wilson, Deathstroke son. In the present day timeline, we’ve never heard of Deathstroke having a son named Grant, only Joe, which means the 2046 Star City future may not be the real one. But the fact John Jr now exists is why all this Flashpoint stuff involving Diggle and Deathstroke is so suspicious.
When Ramsey spoke about the development of his character in Season 6, he also quickly mentioned there could be a mystery around who Diggle’s own parents are. The Arrow writers have confirmed there will be flashback sequences featuring other main characters besides Oliver, so it’s possible we’ll finally get a backstory on Dig’s origin.
For more Arrow Season 6 theories, check out the latest episode of Cape Talk. Let us know what you think about John Diggle’s storyline in the comments below.