Apex Legends Season 9 Tweaks 8 Legends; Lifeline Almost Reworked

Lifeline EA

Apex Legends Legacy is only four days away. The developer of the game, Respawn Entertainment, has released the patch notes for the new season, which you can read here.

Season 9 also tweaked several legends. Lifeline and Horizon got nerfed to make them more in line with the rest of the legends. Meanwhile, Loba and Fuze received some much-needed buffs. We have explained some of the important changes below.

Lifeline received some major changes. The revive is still automatic and will not require Lifeline to hold the button, however, the shield will not be deployed anymore. She can also revive two players at the same time, and teammates now can cancel the revive and protect themselves via their knockdown shield.

The healing rate of the D.O.C. Heal drone is increased to eight HP per second from the previous five HP/s., and healing will begin 33% faster after deployment. The cooldown of the Care Package is reduced by one minute and the loot will be an upgrade of your team’s current gear. So no more Skull Piercer when you don’t need it.

Octane was nerfed as well. He will now take 20 hit points of damage instead of 12 HP when using Stim. The cooldown between the Stim is reduced to just one second. And finally, the bullet spread is increased when you are in the air from the low Launch Pad trajectory. The changes on other Legends are mentioned below in great detail.



  • Low profile no longer exists! This trait has been removed from Wraith, Lifeline, and Wattson.


  • Burglar's Best Friend: Can now run and slide at full speed while aiming the bracelet and while the bracelet is in the air. Loba will no longer be slowed after translocating.
  • Fixed a lot of bugs that caused bracelet tosses to fail.
  • Black Market Boutique: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 120 seconds.


  • Gravity Lift: Reduced lift speed by 30%. Reduced side-to-side acceleration. Limited the time you can sit at the top of Gravity Lift to two seconds. Increased cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Horizon’s abilities will now get zapped by Wattson pylons.


  • Knuckle Cluster: Fuse now has two stacks of Knuckle Cluster. Reduced cooldown from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.


  • Smoke Launcher: Thickened Bangalore’s smoke.


  • No longer receives assists from Eye of the Allfather.


  • Crypto's drone can now scan and open care packages.
  • Can no longer use his drone to "hijack" a respawn beacon that's already in use.

You can read the complete patch notes on the official site as well. The update also made changes to several weapons and you can check out our previous article for more details.

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