After 'Episode 8' Revelations Mark Hamill Reunites With A 'Star Wars' Lightsaber

The lightsaber wielded in this scene has a long history with the 'Star Wars' series.
The lightsaber wielded in this scene has a long history with the 'Star Wars' series. Lucasfilm

Early in January Mark Hamill announced an “exclusive first look” at Episode 8 on the next episode of his Comic-Con HQ show, Pop Culture Quest. But Hamill didn’t really mean Star Wars: Episode 8, but the eighth episode of his show. Tricky. We fell for it.

Pop Culture Quest, Episode 8, is out now.

But while the new episode may not reveal anything about Star Wars: Episode 8, the ninth episode will feature a fascinating look back at a piece of Star Wars history. The first clip released from the upcoming episode of Pop Culture Quest reunites Hamill with his lightsaber from Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

The video’s up top. In it, Brandon Alinger of Prop Store LA reveals one of his treasures to Hamill: the lightsaber the actor used as Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi. But the lightsaber wasn’t just featured in the third Star Wars movie, it also appeared in the original, as Alec Guinness’ stunt lightsaber used in the duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader. Hamill shares his own remembrances of the special effects tricks used in the original film to make the laser swords a reality.

Though it’s probably been described at length in some Star Wars book somewhere, there’s nothing quite like hearing it from Hamill himself. Should Disney be able to pull it off right, the return of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode 8 could be one of the stirring pop culture moments of 2017.

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