‘8 Ball Pool’ Ban Guide: What To Do If You’ve Been Caught Using Cheats Or Hacks

'8 Ball Pool' is the most popular game in Miniclip's collection, so we've made a guide with tips to be the biggest shark amongst your friends. Who needs cheats or hacks when you can win by skill? '8 Ball Pool' is playable on mobile and the web.
'8 Ball Pool' is the most popular game in Miniclip's collection, so we've made a guide with tips to be the biggest shark amongst your friends. Who needs cheats or hacks when you can win by skill? '8 Ball Pool' is playable on mobile and the web. Miniclip

8 Ball Pool got a new hack a few weeks ago, and Miniclip has already started giving permanent bans to most of the folks who used it. Given current events, we thought it necessary to remind our readers of the developer’s current policy. Most of this is taken from the official guidelines, but we’ll embellish where we can.


The chief reason anyone would get banned from 8-Ball Pool is because they abused an in-game glitch that offered easy wins or free currency. Probably the most damaging source is modified Android and iOS app files downloaded from nefarious corners of the web. When they work, they offer any number of paths to fast leveling. Using anything like that is a serious offense that’s aggressively blocked by Miniclip.

On your first offense you’ll be flagged. When that happens, stop using any hacks or cheats immediately. Your account will basically be fully reset, but you’ll still be able to play. Any cheating after that results in a permanent ban.

It’s also possible you didn’t do any of the above things and were truly banned by accident. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s not impossible.


That’s probably a popular question for anyone who’s come across this article, and, unfortunately, we don’t have a great answer. The best thing you can do in this regard is contact the Miniclip support crew at https://miniclip.zendesk.com/hc/en/requests/new. From there you’ll be taken to a form. Select 8-Ball Pool as the game name and fill in the required information.

The only way you’ll even have a chance of getting your account unbanned is if the deed was done totally by accident. Support will be able to tell if you’re lying to them. Anyone using cheats or hacks probably won’t get their details restored through this method.


As of now, the answer to that question is yes. The easiest way to do this is to play on a new device or try reinstalling the app. The latter method doesn’t always work. Another idea is to fill out the support form above and ask for your hacking account to be deleted. With the bad one gone, you should be able to set up a new one by standard means.

Our best advice is to not use software cheats in 8-Ball Pool or any other multiplayer mobile game for that matter. It’s initially fun to rise up the ranks for free, but it’s not worth the punishment.

8-Ball Pool is available now on Android or iOS. Check out our beginner’s guide here.

Were you banned from 8-Ball Pool? How are you coping or finding ways around it? Tell us in the comments section!

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