Ubisoft management had an earnings call with Gamespot a few days ago and revealed the Watch Dogs 2 pre-order numbers weren’t as high as expected. While pre-order numbers are important, CEO Yves Guillemot feels Watch Dogs 2 can still do extremely well and is still confident in the experience players will have.
Furthermore, CFO Alain Martinez says pre-order numbers are not always an indication of how well a game will sell. He then provided an example of the support and efforts behind the massive 1.4 update for The Division which had a great and positive impact on the game.
With a strong belief and confidence behind its games, Ubisoft feels pre-orders are very important, but the attention that goes into the quality of the game over a long period of time is key. I would have to agree – having pre-ordered my own fair share of games, I have certainly been let me down (Assassin’s Creed 3).
In Watch Dogs 2, players take form as Marcus Holloway, a brilliant young hacker living in the birthplace of the tech revolution, the San Francisco Bay Area. While teamed up with your fellow Dedsec crew, the mission is to hack the execute the biggest hack in history and to take down ctOS 2.0.
Here at iDigitalTimes, we’re pretty stoked for the fun-kickass chaos we expect to see when Watch Dogs 2 releases. Our Executive Editor, Mo Mozuch, shares his thoughts and first impressions with a hands-on review of Watch Dogs 2 at E3 2016.
If Mo’s impressions aren’t enough, check out Mr. Robot’s Rami Malek join Dedsec live on Twitch on Nov. 13th at 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. PST/ 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST.

How are you feeling about Watch Dogs 2? Are you ready to cause some hacking chaos in San Fran on Nov. 15th? Share your feels below in the comments.