On The Topic Of Internet Rage

I Love You America, with Sarah SIlverman
I Love You America, with Sarah SIlverman Hulu

I’m a pretty miserable person. Irrespective of whatever unaddressed psychological abnormalities that are currently festering in the wet stuff in my head, my base disposition has always been fraught consternation. I loathe the things I create, I fear that my colleagues find me boring, and I feel undeserving of the close relationships I’ve procured. I’m a dejected no-talent with low self esteem, whose job it is to make sense of Pop Culture twaddle on the internet. Holy shit. Nothing ignites the misguided impassioned rage of a woebegone wannabe pamphleteer like bandwidth and a platform. I can only read comments like, “You don’t GET Batman, you ashy prick!” so many times before the temptation to give in to my ugliest impulses becomes too great. If we’re not careful, the internet will make us racist, xenophobic, ageist, and worst of all, unoriginal.

Turns out, it’s easier to repudiate these sort of compulsions than you might think. Before you hit your keyboard, assume the person on the receiving end is every bit as miserable, and untalented as you are—the odds are pretty good. People aren’t inherently shitty, but the world around them is and the internet fosters a certain breed of moral laziness.

Miraculously, it’s become easy to forget the internet is a useful resource. It’s an incredible achievement that absolutely bears the potential to propel society forward. A recent study published in The Journal For The Scientific Study Of Religion suggests it actually makes people less dogmatic about theology. That’s no small thing. The only thing more alluring to the human mind than indulging in ire is the comfort of masters. The fact that the internet, in its capacity to offer a bountiful collection of information and perspectives, has dulled and in some instances resolutely soured our willingness to believe in debunked fables is enough to champion its existence all on its own. We just have to use it right—apply a little empathy, sobriety, and rumination.

Not too long ago, a faceless Twitter user tweeted the word “Cunt” at comedian and writer Sarah SIlverman. Eat your heart out Woodhouse, you limey hack, there’s a new silver-tongued humorist in town. Instead of launching into a verbal lassering, the likes of which she has proven herself to be more than capable of producing, Silverman’s reprisal came in the form of earnest compassion.

As it turns out, the Twitter user, who goes by @jeremy_jamrozy, experienced some pretty heinous stuff as a child. By his own admission, he’s fucked up, poor and angry. The exchange went on for some time and the two ultimately reached an understanding, an understanding that survived on one moment of hesitation. We could all stand to do a little bit more of that. You’re not the only one at the mercy of a shitty existence. None of us are unique as far as that goes. Don’t give in to your hate and narcissism. You’re doing yourself a disservice.

Leave Facebook to your meme loving Aunts, and Instagram to your vapid self-absorbed one-night-stands. From here on out, the internet is only for WIkipedia and porn.

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