'Super Mario Maker' Wallpaper Creator Turns Levels Into Mobile And Desktop Backgrounds

A Super Mario Maker wallpaper made using Nintendo's new tool
A Super Mario Maker wallpaper made using Nintendo's new tool Nintendo

Super Mario Maker is awesome, and Nintendo wants players to showcase their creativity outside of the game. Nintendo has released a tool for fans to create wallpapers on both mobile and desktop. The tool is free to use, and looks just like if you were making a level on Super Mario Maker.

Once you get to the website for the wallpaper maker, you may get a little intimidated seeing as how everything is in Japanese. Don't worry, it's all easy to figure out. First, scroll down to the images of a computer and a phone. Select the photo for the device you want to make a wallpaper for. From here, select the resolution of the image you want created.

Now comes the fun part. A window looking just like Super Mario Maker will pop up. Go to town making whatever scene you want. Don't worry about making an impossible level, nobody has to actually play this!

Once you have the image you want, scroll down a little bit to see a large white button with a robot head on it. Clicking this button will generate your image for you. Save the image that pops up, and use it wherever you want! Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you can get your wallpapers to be animated.

So what do you think? Will you be making new desktops for all your devices using the Super Mario Maker desktop maker? Will you instead save your creativity for actual levels in Super Mario Maker? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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