‘Suicide Squad’ Is A Fantastic Movie, According To Early Reviews

Suicide Squad arrives in theaters this August
Suicide Squad arrives in theaters this August DC/Warner Bros

Warner Bros. and DC broke our hearts earlier this year when they released the lackluster Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. While it had the challenging task of setting up the DC Cinematic Universe, it’s been hard to forgive director Zack Snyder and co., especially after Captain America: Civil War proved how great a blockbuster superhero conflict could be. But now it’s time to dry those tears, because Suicide Squad is on the cusp of arrival, and so far it sounds really, really good.

With the exception of a few trailers and magazine covers, Suicide Squad has remained veiled behind a wall of secrecy. The trailers look legit, but many said the same thing about Batman v Superman. What people did not say about Dawn of Justice, however, was that it was a good film – particularly the critics. That is not the case with Suicide Squad. Some lucky individuals were granted an early screener at the Century 25 and XD theaters in California, according to Comic Book. And although an embargo was supposed to be upheld until this month’s MCM Comic Con in London, early reviews managed to squeak by on Twitter.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s looking like Suicide Squad is going to be lit. Take a look at some of the early reactions, below:

Now, bear in mind that not all of these audience members are professional film critics. That being said, even the casual moviegoer expressed their disappointment in Batman v Superman, so these amateur reviews are a very encouraging sign. Suicide Squad has a premise chock full o’potential, and it appears director David Ayer capitalized on that capability to a tee.

We’ll have to see for ourselves when Suicide Squad arrives in theaters Aug. 5.

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