Star Wars Episode 8 Plot: How About They Fight Some More Death Stars

Star Wars: The Force Awakens almost had a very different plot
Star Wars: The Force Awakens almost had a very different plot Lucasfilm/Disney

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is quickly on its way to being the biggest movie ever—ever—and that’s no surprise. It’s a new Star Wars, about a new star war, set thirty years after the last star war in which we had invested so much. And the movie’s pretty cool… not perfect, but about what you could expect. Plotwise (some spoilers follow), it’s much like its predecessor, the 1977 film Star Wars: No Subtitle Necessary. In fact, The Force Awakens shares quite a lot with Star Wars. Such as a Death Star. And that gave me a great idea for Star Wars Episode 8: the gang should fight some more Death Stars. Maybe even a couple of ‘em! Brilliant! What do you think?

Star Wars Episode 8 Plot: We Got Death Star, We Got Death Star

The Death Star is probably (definitely [obviously]) the most iconic weapon in all of science fiction, inextricably tied to its source material. That’s why it makes so much sense for The Force Awakens to borrow the Death Star idea in the form of Starkiller Base, a planetsize superweapon that can destroy whole star systems and eat suns. Lest you think the movie is copying its predecessor, The Force Awakens reminds us all that Starkiller Base is actually nothing like the Death Star. As the movie explains, that’s because Starkiller Base is just like the Death Star, but way bigger and also way better. But come on now. If you’ve got Death Star, flaunt it. How else are we going to know we’re watching a star war?

Of course, by the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the First Order doesn’t have Death Star, because the Resistance—in this case an obvious audience surrogate—is sick and tired of all these m******cking Death Stars in their m******cking galaxy, and blows up the whole darn thing. Rude!

So, what’s the First Order to do? To stick with tradition, the military dictatorship needs to find a way to “strike back” in Episode 8, preferably not with clones. Here’s my advice to the First Order: Build some more Death Stars. Build two this time! These things have a better than 50/50 track record of blowing up a planet or system before they’re destroyed, doing tremendous damage along the way. So why not start churning them out? Don’t they have economies of scale in far away long time ago galaxies? The more Death Stars the First Order makes, the cheaper they’ll get. It’s basic economics.

Besides, what else is the Resistance going to do in Star Wars: Episode 8 if the First Order doesn’t send some Death Stars their way? Hang out and talk with Luke then wander around looking for the secrets of Rey’s lineage? Yawn. The Resistance fighter pilots need a job too, and that job is blowing up First Order ships. Trust me, I hope the next movie switches things up. We could get multiple Death Stars—underwater Death Starshalf-built Death Stars, hell, why not even some New Republic Death Stars? Nobody’s innocent anymore—in The Force Awakens, both the First Order and the Resistance blew up at least one planet. Ain’t very nice.

Let’s face it. When it comes to Star Wars, it’s all about the Death Stars. Always has been, always will be. Even the prequel trilogy featured a little bit of a Death Star, right at the very end. Can the new Star Wars team under director Rian Johnson figure out a cool new Death Star as the perfect way to set the stage for another star war? J. J. Abrams thinks so: in fact, he wishes he was directing the next movie himself. And that can only mean one thing. We’re gonna get some Death Star up in our Star Wars. I can’t wait for another fresh take!

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