Star Dynasties May 31 Update: Notification Changes and Bug Fixes

Star Dynasties
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Star Dynasties recently received a new update that made some game improvements and fixed tons of bugs.

The developers have introduced several adjustments to the notifications to make them less intrusive. Now, notifications will be pinged on the map, rather than popping up on the screen. Additionally, the volume settings for notifications have five different options varying from low to high. This should give you full control over the audio alert of notifications.

Star Dynasties May 31 Update

Notification Changes

  • Mass rebalancing of the volume and importance of popups that are brought to the player’s attention.

  • You will now learn of some characters naturally through events, reducing the frequency of unknown character notifications.

General Improvements

  • Added 26 new story events/chains.

  • Added 6 new pieces of artwork for events.

  • Rulers now champion claims less frequently.

  • Characters now make claim demands less frequently.

  • Random dissent outbreaks are less frequent.

  • Quell Unrest now has a stronger effect.

  • The player is now shown a notification when they are snubbed for a feast.

  • Clicking the suggestion to punish a charge now focuses on the player character’s justice tab, not the criminal’s.

  • When you are charged against the acting head of a house, for a charge that you can escalate in turn to another ruler, the charge will also be considered escalated if you charge against the legal head.

  • Tweaks to various tooltips, text, tutorial, events.

General Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes get stuck on "Please Wait" when you are deposing one of your vassals.

  • Fixed bug where the game soft-locked in some scenarios where a character died during a story event.

  • Fixed rare soft-lock issue when clicking or tool tipping some dead factions.

  • Fixed issue where the scripted portion of the tutorial no longer worked correctly if the event popups setting was changed.

  • Fixed bug where military difficulty bonus/penalty was not being reloaded correctly in saved games.

  • Fixed bug where some assignments were not ending when their target is destroyed.

  • If the target character of an assignment, such as Improve Relations, moves to a faction you are at war with, the assignee will automatically come back home.

  • Fixed issue where the dishonor of murder was sometimes applied twice.

  • Fixed bug where the player was not always made aware of systems bordering their master’s league.

  • Fixed issue where creating a vassal faction would automatically stop any assignment you had going on in that system.

The update also included the new Mods button and Dev Console, which you can read more here.

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