Spiral Warrior Now Accepting Pre-Registrations on iOS

Spin your way to the top.
Spin your way to the top. Electronic Soul

Spiral Warrior is finally arriving on iOS with pre-registration now available on the App Store. The best way to describe this one is its anime-themed spinning battle tops. If you were a 90s kid, then this is pretty much your chance to try something similar to Beyblade.

Why just the App Store you ask? Well, that’s because it was released on Android back in July 2020. In a post, developer Electronic Soul revealed that the game has since obtained a 4.5 Star rating, out of more than 29,000 reviews, on the Play Store.

What it Offers

In this game, players get to customize the parts of their Spirals as they try to find the right combination of Battle Cap, Weight Ring, and Driver. The possibilities are endless so this should be a treat to everyone. Now once a player makes a final decision on how their Spiral looks on paper, they must go to the ring and see how it performs against the Spirals of other players. The development team made sure that the movement trajectories are realistic and that they performed pretty much like the real-life versions they’re inspired upon. Indeed, the excellent mix of the physics engine and combat collision gives that wanted realism.

Different Modes

Spiral Warrior actually has various game modes and one of these is the 81-player Survival Mode. It’s like a battle royale with the last warrior standing being the winner. There is also the Super Championship where players get to use their exclusive spinning tops against others around the world. They then get big rewards if they get to the top of the rankings. Another is the Random Adventure mode where players are taken on different chapters to try conquering challenges.

If you’re interested and have an iPhone or iPad, you can pre-register for the Spiral Warrior here. Those who pre-register will receive some free in-game items like Gold, Gems, a Chronokey, or even Lucky Draw tickets. That’s not all as the more players pre-register, the better prizes are offered.

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