‘Sailor Moon Crystal’ Season 3 Starts April 4: How To Watch New Episodes Online

It's clobberin' time, girls!
It's clobberin' time, girls! Toei Animation

New episodes of Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3 will be available to stream starting Monday, April 4, according to a press release from Viz Media. Time to get cautiously optimistic, Sailor Moon fans!

The release of English-subtitled episodes will coincide with their Japanese debut. New episodes will premiere every Monday, a departure from the exasperating biweekly schedule of the first two seasons. Dubbed episodes will follow a few weeks later.

The new season covers the ‘Infinity’ arc of Naoko Takeuchi’s much-loved manga series, which sees the Sailor Senshi face off against the Death Busters, who aim to awaken the Messiah of Silence and bring about utter global annihilation. The storyline will also introduce several fan favorites: Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Saturn.

New footage from Season 3 released last week at Anime Japan suggests that the creative team behind Sailor Moon Crystal seem to have taken fan complaints about the animation quality and art style to heart.

Look at the roses and lace!  Party like it's 1995.
Look at the roses and lace! Party like it's 1995. Toei Animation

Here’s hoping they also give Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter more to do this time around – other than get their butts kicked from Crown Game Center to Tokyo Tower while Usagi pouts about Mamoru.

This climactic battle seems like the perfect time for a team nap.
This climactic battle seems like the perfect time for a team nap. Toei Animation

Moonies old and new can tune in to the girls’ latest adventures when Sailor Moon Crystal Season 3 begins April 4 on Hulu, Crunchyroll and Viz.com. (UPDATE: The first new episode is up now on all three platforms! It's listed as 'Act 27 Infinity 1 Premonition - Part 1.') 197 of 200 episodes of the original anime can also be seen on Hulu and Viz.com; the remaining episodes will be released in the coming weeks.

Have you loved SMC from the start? Have you been underwhelmed by the reboot thus far? Do you long for the return of Mamo-chan’s breathtakingly sexy ‘90s wardrobe? Sailor Moon says: let us know in the comments!

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