Rainbow Six EU League 2021 Stage 1 Playday 2: Match 3 and 4

Rainbow Six EU League 2021
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Rainbow Six Siege 's EU League 2021 just concluded its second playday and the results are here. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the matches have been held online.

The third match was between Team Secret and TrainHard eSport, played in Clubhouse. In round one, played on CCTV, TrainHard had complete control of the Garage and CCTV. But instead of keeping crossfires and attempting to plant, they decided to go for frags in the Lounge and CCTV. Secret reacted to the frags and survived their 1v1’s, which easily stopped TrainHard’s push despite having the advantage. If TrainHard didn't steal a peek and coordinated properly, TrainHard could have won the round. Thus, the round showed that TrainHard needs more experience.

Since round four, TrainHard won three rounds resulting in the first half with a 3-3 scoreline in their favor. The three wins were led by Christophe "Chaoxys" Soares who got 11 kills as support.

After the side switch, Secret had a very difficult time following a roster change. The new set of players on stage had coordination issues. While they are experienced individually, their playstyles failed to go along and to win rounds. As such, TrainHard was able to take the map with a 7-4 scoreline and Chaoxys had 15 kills by the end of the match playing Thermite and Smoke.

The fourth match was between Team Vitality and Rogue, played in Consulate. In round four, Vitality’s Valentin "risze" Liradelfo ignited the fight with an Ace. Risze caught two Rogue players off-guard while flanking the Visa stairs. Next, he moved into the Printer hallway that allowed him to get another double kill. Then, he eliminated the final enemy, who was determined to strike him down but failed. Vitality secured the first half with a 5-1 scoreline because of their aggressive plays.

After the first half, Rogue successfully pushed to overtime by playing super aggressively and running out of the map, practically wasting the enemy's time. This was quite surprising as the map is attacker-sided, whereas defenders have the upper hand by default. Rogue then continued with their momentum to turn over the game completely, which won them the match with an 8-6 scoreline.

For more coverage on EU League 2021, you can watch all the streams on Twitch or YouTube.

So, what are your thoughts on the ongoing EU League 2021 of Rainbow Six Siege? Have you enjoyed the games and learned strategies from the pro players? Whatever your thoughts may be, let us know in the comments below.

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