Phasmophobia Update Apocalypse Challenge and New Locations

Phasmophobia Update
Phasmophobia Update steam

Developers of Phasmophobia recently released a major update that added the Apocalypse Challenge, reworks for the Asylum, and bug fixes.

Apocalypse Challenge

If you like challenging yourself, keep an eye out for the Apocalypse Challenge v2, set to be released in the coming days. You can earn up to three trophies by just completing all four objectives and getting a ghost photo in the mental institution. The higher the difficulty multiplier is, the better trophies you will receive.

Asylum Rework

The Sunny Meadows Mental Institution just got reworked, and it now features a morgue, hospital wing, courtyard, and experimental area. Familiarize yourself with the layout because the ghost can lock the main door of each area during the hunt.

Phasmophobia Update

Bug Fixes
  • Goryo will now have half the chance of other ghosts to long-roam instead of double.
  • Myling will now decrease the audible range of its hunt audio, instead of only footsteps.
  • If you have less than 16% sanity when lighting the last Summoning Circle, the ghost will now hunt instantly after being summoned.
  • When the summoning circle is lit, the ghost’s position will now sync faster for non-hosts.
  • Fingerprints on camping lamps will now be the correct size.
  • You can no longer place objects on the truck ceiling.
  • Fixed a rare issue where the voice recognition would not work due to an empty voice models file.
  • Picking up a tripod with a camcorder attached by someone else, will no longer break the camcorder.
  • You are no longer unkillable when hiding under stairs or similar objects in some locations.
  • The hiding spot next to the cabin will no longer get you killed.
  • Grafton’s upstairs locker can now be blocked.
  • Bleasdale’s workshop locker can now be blocked.
  • Having ALT as your push-to-talk button will no longer keep your voice active after alt-tabbing.
  • The toilets upstairs in Edgefield now flush.
  • Ghosts will no longer affect the living room collider when standing on the basement stairs in Tanglewood.
  • You can no longer glitch behind the small tents to access safe spots.
  • The Mare will no longer stop attempting to do its light switch ability after you use the light switch several times.
  • Doors will no longer spin when closing for a hunt.
Controls for equipment have changed to become consistent
  • If an object is placeable, it will always use the secondary button (default: F)
  • If an object is usable, it will always use the primary button (default: Right Mouse)
Collecting the bone will now grant more rewards when playing on larger maps
  • Large - $30
  • Medium - $20
  • Small - $10

You can read more about the update here.

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