‘Luke Cage’ Trailer: New Look At Method Man, Claire Temple & Misty Knight

  • Adventure
  • Superhero
Luke Cage's signature superhero look is a sweatshirt with bullet holes.
Luke Cage's signature superhero look is a sweatshirt with bullet holes. Netflix

Netflix has gifted us with one last trailer before Luke Cage premieres Sept. 30. The long anticipated series about a wrongfully convicted African-American man turned Harlem’s biggest bulletproof hero is just days away. Previous footage didn’t showcase the ladies of Luke Cage , but this latest one does, with Claire Temple, Misty Knight and Alfre Woodard’s Black Mariah taking the spotlight. We also get a brief shot of Method Man, more of Cornell ‘Cottonmouth’ Stokes, and as always, Luke Cage destroying anything in his path to save Harlem.

The trailer may have given away how Misty and Luke first meet. She finds him at a crime scene, which looks to be the barbershop where he’s working. One of Cottonmouth’s associates drive by and when they start shooting through the windows of the shop, Luke shields a kid from gunfire. Misty, a detective, arrives and is astonished by the fact his shirt is full of bulletholes yet he’s fine.

It appears that before the barbershop incident, Luke may have been just trying to live a normal life. That is, until he learns Cottonmouth is terrorizing Harlem. “There is nothing that can hurt you, so what the hell are you afraid of?” Claire Temple asks Luke over coffee.

There’s clearly a season-long war with Mahershala Ali’s vilain. After Luke steals a bunch of money from Cottnmouth’s club, the crime boss is clearly out for revenge. He plots with corrupt politician Black Mariah to go after Luke’s greatest weakness, which appears to be Misty and Claire. A car nearly crashes into Claire while she’s helping a bloodied victim walk across the street. Then, Luke sweeps an injured Misty up in his arms and jumps off a ledge to bring her to safety.

Luke Cage premieres Sept. 30.

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