'League of Legends' Streamer Gross Gore Gets Banned From Twitch, FeelsBadMan

The man, myth and legend
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Gross Gore, one of Twitch’s most prolific League of Legends streamers, has just been banned from the platform, according to a post on his Facebook page. Gore rose to popularity as a Master tier Twisted Fate player. His outspoken personality certainly had its critics; Gore accidentally showed his address on stream once. Both his fans and his haters got several things delivered to his house, from groceries to hookers.

"Thats it then, It's Over, I have been PERMANENTLY banned from streaming on Twitch.TV for ‘harassment’. It's 100% confirmed." Gore wrote on his Facebook page. "My life is ruined. Everything is ruined, everything I did, is ruined. I fucked up, my life is destroyed... ”

Tuesday night, Gore went on a rant that I will let reddit user babdoodoo explain:

“This is pretty much it. GG and his friend Ryan paid about £2000 altogether hoping they'd get some sex in exchange from these 2 girls. GG's friend shared a room with one girl, Gross Gore with the other, they both got friend zoned and blue balled. After GG finds out about the pro LCS guys having sex with the girls, GG starts deluding himself thinking Febiven "brainwashed" and "stole" the girls from him rather than accepting that the girls had no interest in them in the first place.”

Twitch has a zero harassment policy, and Gross Gore has gotten into trouble for harassment before. According to a video also posted on his Facebook page, this is technically his third offense, which is why he got the permanent ban. According to Gore: “four months ago I said a guy’s emails out loud, I got warned for that… Last year with Rainbowkidz and that small drama, I got a warning for that.”

UPDATE: Gross Gore has released his final goodbyes in a YouTube video.

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