League Of Legends Season 8 Start Date

  • PC
  • Strategy
Evelyn is pretty awesome in Season 8.
Evelyn is pretty awesome in Season 8. Riot Games

For those League Of Legends players sick of the preseason and its broken shenanigans, you’ll be happy to learn that the next ranked season is about to start. On Jan. 16, Season 8 will finally begin and allow every noob to jump straight to Bronze V. It’s a little more difficult to predict the exact time on Jan. 16 since that’s up to Riot Games, but previous patches suggest 8.1 should drop around 2 p.m. EST. There are some new changes for ranked this year along with a few bits of information you should definitely know:

Masteries - If you’ve been living under a rock while the Preseason’s been going on, you might have missed the massive revamp to Runes and Masteries. Make sure to update your pages for the new season—there’s nothing worse than heading into a ranked game with the wrong loadout.

More Hextech Chests- At the start of every season, Hextech Chests earned from getting an S-rank on a champion will reset, which will allow you to earn more loot. I play a very small amount of champions well, so I haven’t seen a chest in months. With this change, I’m excited to finally use Annie to unlock the loot system again.

Expect To See Zoe- Though it looks like Zoe will get nerfed in the next patch, expect to see plenty of the most annoying mage in League Of Legends . I’ll ban her every chance I get in my desperate attempt to earn ELO.

Wait For Placements- I know that your god, Tyler1, has finally been unbanned from the game and you are desperate to send him some of your ranked plays, but I’d hold out. In the first few weeks of a season, tons of garbage players will be jumping into your games with the sole purpose to feed or “just have fun.” The purpose in ranked is to win so you have no time for these morons. It’s best to wait a few weeks before playing your 10 placement matches.

What rank do you expect to get in League of Legends Season 8? Tell us in the comments.

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