League of Legends Patch 12.11: Grievous Wounds Changes

League of Legends Patch 12.11: Grievous Wounds Changes
League of Legends Patch 12.11: Grievous Wounds Changes Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 12.11 introduced several changes to champions, items, and Grievous Wounds. We will focus on Grievous Wounds changes across tank items, mage items, and fighter items.

Grievous Wounds

The developers feel Grievous Wounds is still very impactful even after the last systemic patch. So, they nerfed the Summoner Spell to force players to choose it wisely. Here are the changes for Grievous Wounds in this patch:

  • Grievous Wounds: From 30% to 25% reduced healing
  • Empowered Grievous Wounds: From 50% to 40% reduced healing

Bramble Vest/Thornmail

This is one of the best items to purchase while laning against champions that heal a lot, especially against champions like Aatrox and Irelia. Bramble Vest will now deal 4 (formerly 3) magic damage to the attacker when they hit the user. However, the healing reduction has been lowered to 25% (previously 30%. Similarly, the passive of the fully built item Thornmail has been changed to:

  • When struck by a basic attack on-hit, deal 10 (+20% bonus armor) magic damage to the attacker

Oblivion Orb/Morellonomicon

These are the mage's version of Grievous Wounds on top of having the Summoner Spell itself. This patch, the Oblivion Orb gets additional AP damage, but the Grievous Wounds is lowered:

  • Ability Power: From 30 to 35
  • Grievous Wounds: From 30% to 25%

The increase in AP will help champions deal more damage, which is a decent tradeoff for the decreased Grievous Wounds.

Similarly, Morellonomicon, the fully built version of Oblivion Orb, will deal more damage and make players tankier with the extra health.

  • Ability Power: From 80 to 90
  • Health: From 250 to 300
  • Empowered Grievous Wounds: From 50% to 40%

Executioner's Calling

The fighter’s version of Grievous Wounds also received changes in this patch. The Executioner's Calling and its component will have stronger Attack Damage, which will help champions deal more damage.

The stats for Executioner’s Calling now are as follows:

  • Attack Damage: From 15 to 20
  • Grievous Wounds: From 30% to 25%

These Grievous Wounds changes help champions to better survive its impact. But there are always better items to build for more damage. With the nerfs on this debuff, decide when to buy Grievous Wounds to maximize the gold efficiency.

You can read more about them here.

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