League of Legends Patch 11.10 Major Smite Changes and Bug Fixes

League of Legends
League of Legends VENTUREBEAST

League of Legends developer, Riot Games, recently released a new update that fixed some bugs and made changes to champions.

Some of the biggest changes in this update are on Smite. From scaling damage, the summoner spell now deals 900 damage at all levels. But to achieve this damage, junglers must complete the Smite quest. If they don't they will, they have to make do with the 450 base damage. This new base damage, however, may be good news in early jungling.

The developer also increased Smite damage after being swapped by Unsealed Spellbook. Unlike before, Smite now breaks Rift Scuttle's shield before applying damage.

League of Legends Patch 11.10

Bug Fixes
  • Updated the width of Pyke's E - Phantom Undertow's VFX to better match the hitbox
  • Fixed a bug where Prowler's Claw's Sandswipe would only work on champions, not other targets like minions
  • Fixed a bug where Sanguine Blade's "healing from physical vamp against champions" counter so that it accurately displays the amount of healing the user receives
  • Aurelion Sol's Q - Starsurge's stun and R - Voice of Light's knock-up are no longer delayed by up to 0.25 seconds
  • The Rift Herald will no longer spawn the wrong way
  • Fixed a bug where Fizz was unable to gain Tear of the Goddess stacks when killing minions with W - Seastone Trident
  • When a player completes Cull's Reap's minion kill requirement via their ally's Relic Shield's Spoils of War, the player now properly gains the 350 gold from Cull
  • Yone's Q - Mortal Steel no longer only activates Navori Quickblade at point-blank range
  • Navori Quickblade now properly triggers when Yasuo uses his E - Sweeping Blade and Q - Steel Tempest combo
  • If a player's inventory is full and they sell their Trinket, attempting to purchase a Wardstone will no longer subtract its gold cost given that the player's inventory is full
  • Fixed a bug where melee champions would gain 54% bonus attack range from Rapid Firecannon instead of the expected 35%
  • Death's Dance no longer extends Aspect of the Dragon's burn damage longer than intended (3 seconds)
  • Fixed a bug where Fiddlesticks' Passive - A Harmless Scarecrow effigies would not be usable for the rest of the game if the user sold their Poro Snax at the shop in ARAM
  • Vladimir no longer becomes targetable when his W - Sanguine Pool ends after using Zhonya's Hourglass' Stasis during the ability

You can read more about the update here.

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