'League Of Legends' Fantasy LCS Guide: The Best First-Round Draft Picks

Gangplank won't be picked, not with 10 bans.
Gangplank won't be picked, not with 10 bans. Riot Games

League of Legends fans all over NA and EU are getting ready for the 2017 LCS Spring Split. Fantasy LCS, allows you to draft different LCS players into a team of your dreams. Pick the best players with the highest KDAs, towers destroyed, gold acquired and more stats every week to have bragging rights within your group of friends forever.

Last year, I won my Fantasy Draft with other eSports writers, so I know a little bit about winning your Fantasy games.

My Top 5 Picks For Fantasy LCS:

Top: Looper

Jungle: Santorin

Mid: Jensen/ Bjergsen

Marksman: Arrow

Support: Biofrost

Team: TSM

The Rules

The rules of Fantasy LCS are simple: create a bracket with four, six or eight teams. Each team has seven players, top, mid, jungle, ADC, support, one flex player and a team. You also draft three extra players which can be substituted in at any time before the week’s LCS games start. If your friends are smart, they will only pick the default option “First 2 Games.”

You score points based on this rubric:

LCS Players are scored accordingly:

2 points per kill

-0.5 points per death

1.5 points per assist

0.01 points per creep kill

2 points for a triple kill

5 points for a quadra kill (doesn't also count as a triple kill)

10 points for a penta kill (doesn't also count as a quadra kill)

2 points if a player attains 10 or more assists or kills in a game (this bonus only applies once)

LCS Teams are scored accordingly:
2 points per win

2 points per Baron Nashor killed

1 point per Dragon killed

2 points per First Blood earned

1 point per Tower destroyed

2 points if the team wins in less than 30 minutes

If you need to find a game of your own, you can check out the Fantasy LCS subreddit; there are plenty of other LCS junkies looking for others to join. Get everything ready before the LCS starts Jan 20.

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