'League Of Legends': Congratulations To (Spoilers) On Winning IEM Gyeonggi

Intel Extreme Masters: Gyeonggi
Intel Extreme Masters: Gyeonggi Intel

After a weekend of hard fought battles, featuring some of the best(ish) League Of Legends players from around the world, a winner has finally been crowned at IEM Gyeonggi. Surprising absolutely nobody, Samsung Galaxy managed to beat Kongdoo 3 to 1. SSG almost won the 2016 World Championship, so it isn’t surprising that they managed to pull a win like this during the off-season.

Favored Korean team wins over underdog Korean team, while the bigger team drops one match. I swear, it’s like reddit writes the scripts on these international tournaments sometimes. Even though the winner was (pretty much) predetermined, that doesn't mean we didn’t get some great gameplay.

Kha’zix the void bug can now be confirmed as an amazing jungler, who we will be seeing a lot of in Season 7. Games two and three had the purple Scyther slicing up anyone who was in his jump range. Game three was an absolute fiesta, with KDM”s Punch being 6-0 before the 20 minute mark. SSG had a team of squishies like Kennen and Orianna, who were nothing but bug food for the current king of the jungle. Ivern and Kha’zix are now OP, what a world we live in.

Congratulations to Samsung Galaxy and to our future Korean eSports overlords. I hope you let me write about your victories for a very long time.

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