Hunt: Showdown Test Server Update 1.4.1 Introduces Dual Wielding Handguns And Trials Mode

Hunt: Showdown
Hunt: Showdown CRYTEK

Hunt: Showdown update 1.4.1 is now live on the Test Server. It adds tons of new things that fans have been demanding for a while now. The update will finally let players dual-wield their handguns. You can only dual wield the same type of pistol, but, the pistols can be different versions. You can have a normal pistol in one hand and legendary on another, but they will have to be of the same type. Equipping dual-wielding pistols will convert them into medium size.

The developers have also added a Trials mode. You can explore the map without any enemies and get the lay of the land. You can even teleport to different compounds and complete challenges. More information about it is mentioned below.

You can read the complete patch notes here. Highlights of the update are mentioned below.



Dual Wielding Handguns is a new and exciting feature in Hunt: Showdown, allowing players to equip and use two handguns at the same time.

All available handguns that can be used for dual-wielding:

  • Pair of Nagant M1895
  • Pair of Nagant M1895 Silencer
  • Pair of Caldwell Conversion Pistol
  • Pair of Caldwell Conversion Chain Pistol
  • Pair of Caldwell Conversion Uppercut
  • Pair of Caldwell Pax
  • Pair of Caldwell Pax Claw
  • Pair of Bornheim No.3
  • Pair of Bornheim No.3 Extended
  • Pair of Nagant M1895 Officer
  • Pair of Nagant M1895 Officer Brawler
  • Pair of Lemat Mark II
  • Pair of Dolch 96


  • Every Handgun can be equipped for dual-wield as a "matched pair".
    • A second handgun of the same type can now be added to the same weapon slot.
    • The slot will convert to medium size when the second pistol is equipped.
    • It is possible to mix normal and Legendary versions of the same type as matched pairs.
  • Dual Wielding is available from Rank 1 and does not require any unlocks via Traits.
  • Equipped weapon pairs can not be broken up while playing; you are committed to use them as pairs until extraction.
  • When looting a dead Hunter, you can pick up their dual-wield sets just like you would any other medium-sized weapons.


  • Weapons have to be fired in sequence one after the other.
    • The rhythm is dictated by the shooter, allowing players to experiment.
    • Hunters can either go for a steady, constant fire-rate or try faster two-taps with longer breaks in-between shots.
  • Recoil is increased over single-handed handguns, making it harder to stay on target (esp. with more powerful handguns).
  • Effective rate of fire is increased, but still lower than the rapid burst from a single-action revolver using fanning.


  • Aiming Down Sights (ADS) will only apply a slight zoom, with the guns moving a bit closer to the center of the screen.
    • Weapon Sights are not used at all, reducing range drastically over other weapons.
  • Dual-wielding accuracy only benefits minimally from crouching (just like with Fanning and Levering Traits).


  • Weapons are reloaded at the same time in sequence, one bullet at a time.
  • Extra ammo pools are added up.

New Trait added: Ambidextrous

  • Available for 3 Upgrade points
  • Available at Bloodline Rank 44
  • "Quicker reloading of matched pairs, and custom clip reloads for semi-auto pistol sets."


Trials is a new singleplayer game mode aimed at new Hunters and veterans alike, allowing to explore the world of Hunt: Showdown and complete different types of special assignments.

What can I do in Trials?

  • Explore the world freely without any enemies and get a feeling for Lawson Delta and Stillwater Bayou.
    • Move around at will or teleport directly to any compound.
    • Ever wanted to try out that risky jump? Now you can without the fear of losing your Hunter!
  • Complete Trial challenges along the way to learn about interesting weapons, enemies and locations.
    • There are a total of 15 trials players can discover and master.
    • Parkour Trials challenge your movement skills and take you along interesting paths.
    • Sniper Trials let you practice your aim in ranged combat.
    • Wave Trials require you to deal with groups of enemies with a variety of equipment.
    • All Trials can also be teleported to directly without the need of walking around the world.
  • Unlock exclusive rewards by collecting stars for completing Trials.
    • There are a total of 45 stars to be earned (3 per Trial).
    • Reaching a certain amount of stars unlock interesting rewards such as Hunt Dollars, Blood Bonds and advanced gear.
    • Dedicated Hunters can also try to unlock two Exclusive Legendary weapons.

Parkour Trials

  • "Flat-Out for Flatboats" - Lockbay Docks - Try not to get shredded by Concertina Armoreds, while racing from checkpoint to checkpoint before time runs out.
  • "Riding the Line" - Devant Ranch - Race against the clock while taking down Hives with your crossbow. Don't get poisoned!
  • "A Cursory Investigation" - Pitching Crematorium - Navigate the underground maze and beat the clock, avoiding bear traps and Immolators on your way!
  • "Nightly Apparation" - Port Reeker - Charge through tight corridors and wooden walkways, be wary of the sharp teeth lurking in the dark corners!

Sniper Trials

  • "Fool's Honor" - Cyprus Hut's - Kill monsters of various types with your Lebel 1886 Marksman rifle, but don't let anyone die to fire!
  • "For Whoom the Bell Tolls" - Healing-Waters Church - Chalk up enough headshots with your trusty Mosin-Nagant M1891 Sniper before the time runs out!
  • "Cut Firwoord" - Reynard Mill & Lumber - Make use of your Mosin-Nagant M1891 Sniper and keep those Immolators from burning it all down!

Wave Trials

  • "A Corpse for a Corpse" - Slaughterhouse - Hunt down Meatheads with your rapid-fire lever-action Winfield, while fending off hordes of Grunts!
  • "Fall Where They May" - Catfish Grove - Always keeping stock of your ammunition, mow down hordes of Hives and Grunts with your Avtomat machinegun!
  • "A Futile Undertaking" - Stillwater Bend - Avoiding packs of Hellhounds, bring down the scattered Immolators with your carbine and pistol!
  • "Can't Rob Empty Graves" - Blanchett Graves - Eliminate Concertina Armoreds with your rifle and bayonet. Every shot counts!
  • "Big Game Connoisseur" - Darrow Livestock - Nitro Express Rifles were designed for hunting big game like elephants, but they also do the trick with Meatheads!
  • "Hive Brood" - Alice Farm - Make every shot count and retrieve your bolts to make them count again, as you battle against Grunts and Hives!
  • "Fisherman's Tale" - Scupper Lake - Isolate and kill Concertina Armoreds while fighting off packs of Hellhounds. Don't get bitten!
  • "Fire in the Bones" - The Chapel of Madonna Noire - Hunt down Immolators in the ruins of the burned out chapel, keep clear from the flames!

Exclusive Rewards:

  • Unlock Legendary Specter 1882 Bayonet "Tartufai" when reaching 20 Trial Stars
  • Unlock Lengedary Nagant M1895 Officer Carbine "The Cordwainer" when reaching 45 Trial Stars
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