For Honor announced that Year 4 Season 1 is all set to begin on February 6. Titled "Hope", this new season focuses on the years of conflict between the different races coming to a close. However, that doesn't mean things are going to be coming to an end. The new season is offering in-game events along with loot to make sure that players continue to have reasons to fight.
Year 4 is titled Year of Reckoning, and similar to Year 3, it's going to be divided into four seasons. Each season of Year 4 comes with its own themes, rewards, and even activities. Seasons 2 and 4 in Year 4 will also introduce new heroes.

Year 4 is going to give For Honor players a new way to earn rewards with the For Honor Battle Pass. Previously, rewards were typically earned through random drops after matches as well as in scavenger crates. With the Battle Pass, players have the chance to unlock 100 tiers of rewards. The Battle Pass also offers character customization items and consumables.
Each season of Year 4 is going to offer it's own Battle Pass with both a Free and Premium track, like just about every other Battle Pass system out there. The Free Pass lets players unlock ornaments, Steel, color swatches, champion status, and embossing. The Premium Pass, meanwhile, has more to offer like being able to unlock unique customization rewards, which include new signatures, weapons, executions, effects, and more. Those who have the Premium Pass also get all the rewards offered in the Free Battle Pass.
Even without the Premium Pass, players can still unlock items from the new content of the week, sales, scavenger crates, and through post-game drops.
As mentioned, Year 4 is offering two new heroes which is going to bring the game's roster to 28. That means balancing heroes and game modes is more important than ever. For Honor said that its development team is continuing to utilize Testing Grounds as a balancing tool. The team is also working to increase character viability along with broadening the range of team compositions at high-level play. There's also a plan to enhance the overall offense to improve core gameplay.
Looks like it’s going to be an exciting year in For Honor. What do you think?