Harry Potter: Wizards Unite Goes Back to Where it All Started This June

Ready to help Ron?
Ready to help Ron? Niantic

Potterheads worth their salt knows that it was in their first year at Hogwarts where it all started. This was the time when the trio of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger started to forge their bonds.

Why are we taking a trip to memory lane you ask? Because that’s what Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is all about this June. It seems that Harry and Hermione are trying to create a surge focused on their first year in hopes of bringing back Ron’s memories. The question is, do they have the courage to face the Unforgivable Truth?

Brilliant Event

The first June event actually starts on May 31 with the Unforgivable Truth Brilliant Event Part 1. As already mentioned, Harry and Hermione are doing what they can to create a surge during the events that happened in their first year at Hogwarts. The event lasts until June 7.

The Brilliant Foundables featured in Part 1 can be found in these locations:

  • Harry's Troll Bogeys-Covered Wand: Wizarding Challenges
  • Chocolate Frog: Tasks
  • Quarreling Professors Snape and Quirrell: Brilliant Portkey
  • Brilliant Mountain Troll: Encounter
  • Brilliant Dragon Egg: Encounter

The second part will start June 21 until June 28. This time, wizards need to return Brilliant Foundables from the Brilliant Hogwarts Trapdoor Chamber, and these include the Three-Headed Dog and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Adversaries Event

Like the Brilliant Event, the Adversaries Event for June also has two parts. The first one starts June 7 and lasts until June 10 and wizards must go against a wave of Dark witch and wizard Adversaries.

The second one is from June 14 to June 14. The stakes are higher here since wizards get to face none other than the Ancient Norweigan Ridgeback.

Community Day

The Community Day is scheduled for the entire day of June 12. It’s up to everyone to look for and rescue lost creatures. Once found, they need to be returned to the Care of Magical Creatures family page.

Anniversary Event

Of course, this month’s celebration won’t be complete without the Anniversary Event. For those new to the game, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite was released worldwide back on June 21, 2019. It may surprise many that the game is only two years old.

Not much has been revealed on what’s going to happen with the celebration. The only thing we do know is that it’s going to be from June 19 to June 20. Hopefully, we get to learn more in the coming days.

Okay, wizards, wands at the ready!

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