Google’s Mic Drop April Fools' Joke Removed After Heavy Backlash

Microphone on the floor
Microphone on the floor Flickr

April 1 has become a date for many tech companies to get creative with jokes for April Fools Day. However, one of Google’s jokes didn’t go as planned.

The tech giant launched a “Mic Drop” feature in Gmail early Friday morning, which allowed users to poke fun at email recipients. The feature added a second send button to Gmail, which, when pressed would sent a mic drop gif as a response to an email and then mute the conversation from future replies.

Google's Mic Drop April Fools' Joke
Google's Mic Drop April Fools' Joke Screencap: Google

However, the feature has since been removed for being a little more irksome than Google expected.

Many Gmail users complained about the feature within Google’s help forum, and one user even claims the mic drop feature cost them their job . Google has updated its blog with apologies for the mixup.

“Well, it looks like we pranked ourselves this year. _ Due to a bug, the Mic Drop feature inadvertently caused more headaches than laughs. We’re truly sorry. The feature has been turned off. If you are still seeing it, please reload your Gmail page.”

Better luck next year Google.

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