Gloria Victis Update 279: Party Finder System Improvements and Bug Fixes

Gloria Victis
Gloria Victis Steam

Gloria Victis recently got an update that fixed bugs and made improvements to the Party Finder system.

The Party Finder system introduced in the previous update was well received by the community, as it helped them find other players to enjoy the game with. The developers improved this system using location as a filter. This means that if something is happening in an area, the system will suggest players to create a party and face the threat together.

Gloria Victis Update 279

Quality of Life
  • Following community suggestions, we added a horse icon over the player's mount to make it easier to find your mount between others.
  • Slow of the mount is now shown on the Horse HUD
  • Disabled the navigation triggers on mounts window that could lead to opening it while jumping while mounted
  • Improvement of swimming detection code, which should help with all the issues where walking under the water was possible.
  • Adjusted the number of enemies in the sangmarian event “Kill the traitors.”
  • Fixed the issue causing players to be able to get into one of the spawns on the Valley of Death tournament.
  • Fixed the issue causing players to be able to bug the giant in the Volcano event using the ruins nearby. From now on the Giant can get inside them.
  • Fixed an issue causing mobs dealing damage multiple times per attack were dealing two or three times lower damage than they should.
  • Fixed an issue causing blocking crafting on foot if the player opened the crafting window at least once on some workshop and did not have enough money to craft the given item.
  • Fixed an issue causing the marksman skill to not refresh until the equipped weapon was switched.
  • Fixed an issue causing the stable window not to close even if the player would get away from it, which allowed the player to regenerate mount anywhere on the world.
  • Fixed the small visual issue, which was showing the guild leader/vice leader “SoW frametime updated” notification every time they opened the architects' table.
  • Multiple level design fixes, including among others places where players can walk under the water and some holes in the terrain.

You can read more about the update here. Gloria Victis is currently on Early Access on Steam.

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