In The Flash Season 3 finale, Killer Frost declined to take Julian’s serum that would make her just a normal human. She proceeded to leave Team Flash and head off on her own. Caitlin has been around STAR Labs since the beginning, so to see her go was heartbreaking. But photos from The Flash Season 4 episode 1, “The Flash Reborn” reveal she won't’ be completely gone from the series.
We see Kid Flash and Vibe team up to save Central City, we see Baron Katana (the leader of the Samuroids in the comics) and we also see….Killer Frost bartending? View the full photo gallery above.
Cisco visits her at the bar, which means he’s either asking for her help or simply checking up on her. The new extended trailer insinuates Vibe and Kid Flash are having a hard time keeping the city safe, so it’s possible Cisco is asking her to suit up or to help them track down bad guys at STAR Labs. What’s more interesting is the mysterious man we see Caitlin speaking to at the bar. It doesn’t look to be a warm interaction. Cailtin’s alter-ego, Killer Frost, does cause her to get more aggressive than normal. Maybe that heated conversation is a testament to the fact that she’s still learning how to control her powers.
What do you think of the photos? Are you excited to see Vibe and Kid Flash without The Flash? Let us know in the comments.
The Flash returns Oct. 10.