There’s always a flood of game rumors and news on the eve of E3 and no less so for E3 2016. We’ve gone ahead and rounded up the biggest news about PlayStation 4.5 “Neo,” Xbox Scorpio, Nintendo NX, and all the game news, rumors and delays we’ve got going into E3 2016.
Confirmed No-Shows
The PS4.5, aka the PlayStation Neo, will have upgraded GPU, CPU, and RAM. However, the storage drive will be the same as the current PS4. The upgraded GPU will allow the PlayStation Neo to output 4K video as well as enhance the graphics of PlayStation VR games.
The new console is not intended as a replacement PlayStation 4, and Sony is rumored to be taking great care not to split its userbase. There will be no Neo-only games, and developers will not be allowed to split multiplayer or offer any Neo exclusives, from unlockables and peripherals to VR support. Neo players will retain all PS4 purchases and utilize the same user environment as the PS4.
Starting this October, every game that ships for the PS4 will need to have both a “base” mode for the regular PS4 and a “Neo” mode for use on the new console. It’s up to developers whether or not players may transfer saves from PS4 to Neo.
Reports indicate a price of $399. A top Sony exec confirmed the Neo’s existence, but stated that the Neo wouldn’t be making it to E3. (Then again, no one thought a Final Fantasy VII remake would really be happening, either.)
The Nintendo NX is described as a “brand new concept,” distinct from the Wii and Wii U. Reports suggest that the new console will involve one traditional console unit and one mobile unit that enables gamers to take their living room games on the go. Patents filed include a patent for a free-form touch game controller. Nintendo has stated it has no plans to show off the NX at this year’s E3.
Games And Rumors
Two different consoles are rumored to be coming out of Microsoft.
The first, “Xbox Slim,” is an Xbox One model rumored to have 4k video playback capacity and a 2 TB hard drive. Xbox Slim is also rumored to be technically capable of running the Oculus Rift.
The second, “Xbox Scorpio,” aims for 6 teraflops of processing power. Compare that to the PlayStation Neo’s goal of 4.14 teraflops, the original PS4’s 1.84, and the original Xbox One’s 1.32.
Also rumored: a new Xbox One controller and an Xbox One streaming box and stick, Roku-style.
Warner Bros
Injustice 2:
Injustice 2's arrival was leaked by a Gamestop employee, leading to this hilarious tweet from NetherRealm Studios Creative Director Ed Boon:
— Ed Boon (@noobde) June 7, 2016
Also on the slate for Warner Bros: Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens , Batman: Return to Arkham and an expansion of Lego Dimensions.
EA Games
EA games has the following games lined up for its EA Play event:
Battlefield 1
Titanfall 2
Here's a sneak peek at what you can expect to see on Sunday at #EAPLAY. Standby for #Titanfall2
— Titanfall (@Titanfallgame) June 10, 2016
Madden NFL 17
NHL 17
Bejeweled Stars
Madden NFL Mobile
It also promises to discuss games beyond 2016.
Square Enix
Square Enix has a very busy livestream schedule indeed:
Final Fantasy 15
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
the Final Fantasy 12 remaster
Dragon Quest Builders
Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Nier Automata
I am Setsuna
World of Final Fantasy
Black the Fall
The Turning Test
Volition’s Agents of Mayhem
Milestone’s Ride 2
Mighty No. 9
F1 2016
Also on the table are content drops for the following games:
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
Just Cause 3
Watch Dogs 2:
Other games forthcoming from Ubisoft include For Honor, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Wildlands and South Park: The Fractured but Whole. There’s an unannounced big-budget game on the books, as well as more details regarding a possible Division movie starring Jake Gyllenhaal.
According to a Kotaku leak, Dead Rising 4 is on the way. State of Decay may also be en route.
Take-Two Interactive
Mafia III
Civilization Revolution 2 Plus
The main Borderlands series has a new game in development and a new Bioshock collection is rumored. 2K is working with Bioshock designer Ken Levine on a new, un-announced title.
Rumored under Rockstar Games is a Red Dead Redemption sequel/remake and a possible GTA V single-player storyline expansion.
This year should see new DLC for Fallout 4 and Doom, as well as Dishonored 2 gameplay. Fans should also expect a remastered Skyrim for PS4 and Xbox One including all previous DLC, improved graphics and mod support.
Bonus titles that may be on the list? Prey 2, The Evil Within 2 and Wolfenstein 2.
A new Destiny expansion, “Rise of Iron”:
The new expansion should be released on PS4 and Xbox One Sept 20. Details leaked on Microsoft’s own Xbox page, followed by a trailer leak on Snapchat. “Rise of Iron” retails for $30 and will include new raids, Lord Saladin, the Fallen and the return of the Gjallarhorn rocket launcher.
Virtual Reality:
How We Soar from Penny Black Studios:
Wayward Sky:
Notably, Sony also has a huge list of PS VR titles.
Legend of Zelda:
We have some gorgeous new art for the next Legend of Zelda game in advance of its confirmed presence at E3 2016:

Nintendo has also confirmed the following games:
Pokémon Sun and Moon (3DS)
Monster Hunter Generations (3DS)
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past (3DS)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (Wii U)
The only playable kiosk at Nintendo will be for Legend of Zelda Wii U. Unconfirmed rumors include the option to play as a female Link, voice acting in the next Zelda, and a North American localization for Earthbound sequel Mother 3.
Horizon Zero Dawn, a PS4 exclusive, will be delayed until 2017 .
Yooka-Laylee — on the PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Windows PC and Linux platforms — has also been delayed until next year.
Got any further tips? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below.