Digimon World: Next Order' Digimon List: How To Bring Everyone Back To The Village

Digimon World: Next Order has taken over my life
Digimon World: Next Order has taken over my life Bandai-Namco

Just like in the original Digimon World game, Digimon World: Next Order , has you bringing Digimon back to the main village. Some of these Digimon just need to be found, while others need special items or quests to be completed. In total, there are 118 Digimon, worth a total of 200 city population points. If you are having trouble finding a Digimon, open the map and look for a blue exclamation marker. A Digimon with a quest will be waiting for you there.

There are a ton of different Digimon available out in the world, but here are the ones that are most important at the start of your journey:

Tentomon: You can find him in the middle of the Vast Plateau. When he asks you to pay 100 bits for an HP disc, do it and he will join the village. You now have a shop full of all the essentials you could ever need at the start of your journey.

Palmon: Also in the Vast Plateau, her mission is a bit harder. You are going to need three ingredients to get her to join: a Digistalk a Smiling Apple and a Salty Fruit. Digistalks are the little mushrooms that are all over the map, and Smiling Apples can spawn under any tree (but I found mine on the eastern side near Palmon). The Salty Fruit is a white cube and spawns to the tree right of the entrance when coming out of the village. Get her and you’ll get three more meat each day.

Wormmon: My favorite bug from season two can be brought back to the village at the Forest Path. Talk to him about getting a stick, then walk back to the entrance where you will miraculously find one on the ground. Give it to him and he will hand you back a fishing rod. In the village, Wormmon will tell you what foods your Digimon like, allowing you to increase their happiness with ease.

Numemon: I hate this walking pile of poop, but he’s really useful to have around. Find him in the Forest Path, a little further down from Wormmon. He wants five Green Digistalks, which can be found around the zone or by killing those off-brand Palmon. When he’s full, he’s going to want a fight. He will go down without much trouble and then head straight back to the village. Every day Numemon will give you a free portable toilet, he knows what his specialty is.

In case you didn't know who Numemon was
In case you didn't know who Numemon was Digimon Wikia

Kuwagamon: This big, bad bug can be found in the 2nd Power Plant sitting in the upper left corner. He speaks in all caps and wants some Royal Digi-jelly. You can find some in the Forest Trail, right near where Wormmon is supposed to be. Go back to the big red bug and he will gladly join your village. He stands in the Training Facility and gives you a new training item every day, but only at night.

Veemon and Togemon: These two are located in the Server Desert, with Veemon standing right at the entrance. Veemon is angry and needs an apology from Togemon, who’s in the Server Cemetery. Go visit Togemon, but only if you are a high enough level, those Gotsumon will shred a weak team to pieces. After Togemon apologizes, go back to Veemon who will then want to battle you. Beat his headbutt in a fight (he’s level five) and Veemon will travel back to the village and become a builder. Now go talk to Togemon, who is also level five, and beat it into submission. The cactus will stand in Kuwagamon’s spot during the day and give a new training item daily.

Kabuterimon: Find him in the Old Cable Channel and fight him. Once he’s down, he will come back to the village. He’s one of the most important Digimon to have because he will upgrade your Training Facility equipment. You can’t do much in the beginning, since it costs 10,000 bits just to get to level two, but later on in the game he is too good to pass up.

For the other 110 Digimon, Shinaries on the Gamefaqs forum has uploaded a fairly comprehensive guide. The Digimon’s names are in Japanese, but everything else is legit.

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