Destroy All Humans! Latest Trailer Shows Off 'Area 42'

Totally not a parody of Area 51 by the way.
A new trailer for Destroy All Humans! shows off Area 42, the game's parody of Area 51.
A new trailer for Destroy All Humans! shows off Area 42, the game's parody of Area 51. THQ Nordic

Publisher THQ Nordic and developer Black Forest Games have just released a new trailer for the upcoming remake of the action-adventure title Destroy All Humans! The one-minute trailer introduces Area 42, a top-secret United States Government Base inspired by the real-life Area 51 which is most known for being rumored to hold extraterrestrial creatures.

The trailer showcases some of the game’s mechanics and noticeable graphical improvements. Crypto can be seen hovering about the facility on his jetpack, using his saucer space ship, mind-controlling enemies, lifting rocks and other throwable objects, and more. We are also given a glimpse of his weapons, with one electrocuting those unfortunate enough to be in range, and another reducing enemies to ashes.

Initially release in 2005 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, Destroy All Humans! Follows the story of Crypto (short for Cryptosporidum 137), an alien belonging to the fictional Furon race. Crash landing on Earth, Crypto must harvest human brain stems which are essential to the survival of his species as they contain precious Furon DNA. Destroy All Humans! received mixed to positive reviews when originally released, with praise pointed towards its humor and storyline. It had a large enough following that despite its lukewarm critical response, it still spawned three more titles, namely Destroy All Humans! 2, Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed, and Destroy All Humans! Path of Furon.

Destroy All Humans! Is set to release for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam and GOG on July 28. There are also limited-edition versions that contain tons of goodies for the right price, such as the pricey Crypto 137 Edition which includes a backpack, a 23-inch figurine of the game’s protagonist, a keychain, a stress ball, and other in-game goodies for the price of $349.99. The full list of extras can be seen in this link along with all the other limited versions of the game. For those who can’t wait for the nostalgia trips Destroy All Humans! is sure to deliver, a demo is currently available for PC on both Steam and GOG.

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