Destiny 2 TWAB: Players Can Expect Increased Ritual Reputations in Season 16

Destiny 2 TWAB
Destiny 2 TWAB Twitter/@Bungie

More changes are coming to Destiny 2, according to Bungie’s recent weekly post. You can expect increased ritual reputations in Season 16 or when The Witch Queen expansion launches on February 25.

Increased Ritual Reputations

Devs at Bungie found that people ran a lot more Vanguard Strikes than they'd anticipated. Because of this, they will increase Vanguard's reputation gain upon completion of Vanguard Strikes next season. Nightfall multipliers, activity streak amounts, and bonuses earned from completing Nightfalls will be increased as well. Furthermore, reputation gain will be even faster if you’re playing Nightfalls at higher difficulty levels.

Aside from that, developers felt that they were not valuing winning rounds enough in Trials of Osiris, especially for those who are on a hot streak. That is why they’ve added a small amount of Trials reputation every time a match concludes that increases based on how many ticket wins you have.

Basically, you’ll gain up to 105 extra reputation after finishing a match, with every round awarding 21 reputation each at higher ranks. This is great if you are trying to get as much Trials reputation as possible without resetting your ticket regularly in an attempt to go Flawless.

This change is now in effect, but may not be carried over in The Witch Queen expansion for some undisclosed reasons. However, the devs said that they’re going to give more news about this in the future.

Vanguard Ops

The Battlegrounds is back and has been added to the Vanguard Strikes playlist under a new name - Vanguard Ops. Introduced in Season 13, this is a three-player matchmaking activity where you can gain amazing loot after killing the boss. Here are the four new Battlegrounds coming in Season 16:

  • Behemoth
  • Oracle
  • Hailstone
  • Foothold

The activities will be the “direct-launch” or “no-champion” version of the Battlegrounds. This is intended to match the difficulty and length of most Strikes in the playlist.

HDR Mode

When The Witch Queen launches next month, some technical improvements will also be implemented. One notable upcoming feature is the support for windowed HDR.

Currently, you can enable high dynamic range only in full screen mode. However, you’ll be able to use HDR even in borderless windowed mode in the upcoming expansion. This is going to be available on Windows 10 and 11.

To use this feature, you must enable both the in-game HDR option, as well as the “Use HDR” setting for your specific display. Playing in windowed HDR automatically shifts to SDR (Standard Dynamic Range) mode if the game’s window is moved to a monitor without HDR support.

Additionally, screenshots can now take advantage of high dynamic range on PC. You just have to take them using the in-game screenshot feature.

So, what can you say about the changes heading to Destiny 2?

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