Demise of Nations: Update 1.31.217 Lets Players Sponsor Maps in Multiplayer

Demise of Nations
Demise of Nations Steam

A new patch for Demise of Nations has been launched recently. Update 1.31.217 allows you to sponsor maps in multiplayer mode so that other people online can join in and enjoy the game with you.

Demise of Nations is a 2D, 4X turn-based strategy game that covers the Ancient Roman Empire up to modern times. This is free to play and you are given one map to start with. However, additional maps cost $3.99 for single maps or $19.99 for the entire map bundle.

Sponsoring maps for multiplayer games will let other people, who do not have a particular map, join in free of charge. But it is important to keep in mind that this is only available for those who are using the latest version of the game, so go update the client if you haven’t already.

Another notable change in this update is rank and award farming is no longer possible because the game now ends when a valid condition is met (ex. All enemies are eliminated).


  • Placeholder AI cannot be used for rated games
  • [GANG] games that are not ranked as [GANG] are designated as [HERD] in-game listings
  • Updated the categories to make it clearer that neither [1VS1] nor [TEAM] are counted as gang-ranked.
  • Now shows the Top 100 also on mobile
  • Trophies for tournaments and leagues are only given out if at least 7+ players joined
  • Increased cost of creating tournaments from 100 to 250
  • Reporting games is now possible for all types of games
  • Artificially farming rating points is now considered illegal and we reserve the right to lower player's ratings and flag the accounts in question
  • Setting up games for personal gain only is not acceptable
  • Updated to make it clear that playing with friends (or clanmates) in incognito games is not acceptable and offending players will be flagged
  • Game rankings were wrong by listing some eliminated players ahead of still active players
  • Panel for random join had minimum width too large causing it to render wrong when joining a game in progress
  • Showing replacement characters as needed if display name cannot be rendered
  • Links in the matchmaking chat panel were not working (e.g. user links)
  • When initializing the mouse capture system

Demise of Nations Update 1.31.217 is available on Android and PC.

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