‘Arms’ Hands-On Impressions: The Lovechild Of ‘Overwatch’ And ‘Wii Sports’ Boxing

  • Fighting
ARMS might be my new favorite game.
ARMS might be my new favorite game. Nintendo

Arms is, by far, the most...unique game title announced during the Nintendo Switch presentation in Japan.

Utilizing the J oy-Con controllers, Arms lets players face off in an arena-style fight where timing and strategy reign over simply throwing punches (but that is a part of it, too).

I got to play Arms during the Nintendo Switch event in New York and watching others play the game made me think of Wii Sports, the packed-in game for the Nintendo Wii, in particular the boxing mode.

Using the motion control Joy-Cons to punch your opponent into submission (and getting one hell of a workout in the process) was a lot of fun and perfect for capturing that coveted casual gamer demographic.

But those looking for a challenge can really enjoy Arms. There are various characters to choose from and different weapons (or Arms) to equip them with, which changes your fighting style.

There’s more strategy to Arms than you realize, and once you figure out how dodging and counter punching works you’ll be really fighting with a sense of purpose.

As for the characters, they have personality and cool looks. We have a ninja, a mummy a girl in a mech suit and more. It all feels very Overwatch-y, and you can easily see Nintendo creating backstories for each while releasing new characters on the regular.

Overall, Arms is a fun multiplayer game that is unfortunately not a launch title, but will easily become one of the best party games of the Nintendo Switch’s first year.

Arms is set to release in spring 2017.

So what do you think of the upcoming Arms game for the Nintendo Switch? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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