‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Spoilers: What Will Happen To Maggie If Glenn Dies?

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Glenn wants to make Alexandria safe for his unborn child.
Glenn wants to make Alexandria safe for his unborn child. AMC

Glenn might die in The Walking Dead Season 7 premiere. It’s a possibility both fans of The Walking Dead comics and show watchers alike have likely prepared for, but what does it mean for Maggie ? Well, don’t count her out just yet.

[Warning: major The Walking Dead comic book spoilers ahead]

It’s unlikely the show will kill off a pregnant Maggie in such a brutal way; Negan can be a monster , but even he doesn’t prey on the visibly weak. If Negan decides to kill you , it’s because you made the mistake of crossing him in a horrible way. Unfortunately, Rick did cross Negan and someone must pay. In the comics, the poor unfortunate soul who takes the beating is Glenn. Maggie watched in horror as the father of her child was beaten to death.

Now, this marks a huge turning point in Maggie’s storyline. By this point in the comics, Maggie has lost her siblings and father to the zombie apocalypse. Maggie decides it’s best for her child if they stay in the Hilltop during her pregnancy. She observes Gregory’s behavior as a leader, coming to realize he’s a coward who can’t be trusted to help his people. People start to turn to Maggie for advice and soon she becomes the leader of the Hilltop.

This is good and bad for Rick. Maggie is still loyal to Rick, despite his failed attempt to take down Negan. Maggie trusts Rick’s judgement and knows he will take care of the people of Alexandria. However, Maggie isn’t afraid to call Rick out on his bulls***. The tension between Maggie and Rick got so bad that at one point they got into a physical altercation. Maggie punches Rick for the way he handles a certain situation. They hug it out, of course, because the two do respect each other despite their differing leadership styles.

Maggie’s presence at the Hilltop is extremely important to the upcoming war. Rick won’t stay down for long and will eventually rally the communities to help fight Negan. Maggie is the one Hilltop respects, not Rick. She’s the one who gains their trust and shows them there’s a better way to live. She’s also the one that kills Gregory and let’s the whole world see what she does to those who cross her.

We’ll probably see a whole new side to Maggie once she gives birth. It’ll almost be like a rebirth of her character, so hopefully the show doesn’t diverge too much from Maggie’s comic book storyline. We’re ready to see a female leader in The Walking Dead .

The Walking Dead Season 7 premieres Oct. 23 on AMC.

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