Rocket League PS4 Gameplay Tips and Tricks for the Advanced Soccer Motorist

Rocket League matches don't stay grounded for long... here are some tips and tricks for dominating the field.
Rocket League matches don't stay grounded for long... here are some tips and tricks for dominating the field. Psyonix

Rocket League is deceptively simple. This is an illusion. If you’re playing Rocket League on PS4 (you still have a few days to download it for free PSN users) here are some advanced tips and tricks that rely on the surprising depth to be found in Rocket League.

Rocket League PS4 Gameplay Advanced Tips and Tricks

The best advice is to not just understand, but master the controls in the Rocket League Advanced Tutorial. While they’re not the be-all, end-all of Rocket League play, they’re the basic building blocks of the advanced gameplay tips and tricks that can take you to the next level in Rocket League.

Chain Front Flip Momentum

This, alongside flying, will be the most important maneuver to master in the Rocket League advanced tutorial. But go beyond the tutorial and learn how to chain front flips to rocket yourself downfield. About as fast as boost, but much trickier, chaining front flips is essential to learn so boost can be saved for much more vital tactics…

Save Boost For Flying

Flying is key to Rocket League success.
Flying is key to Rocket League success. Psyonix

The best reason to master the chain front flip is that it can free up your boost for a much more important maneuver: powered flight. Rocket League beginners are always draining their boost in downfield sprints, leaving them with nothing left when the ball inevitably lofts up around the goal. A familiar sight in Rocket League matches is two squads of cars bunched up, waiting for the ball to land.

Keep your boost in reserve for these movements. While maneuvering in flight is tricky, actual flight is simple. Just jump (X on PS4) and then press boost (O on PS4) while in the air. The key to a good flight is it to build elevation fast, so immediately pull back on the stick and pull the nose of your car into the air.

Faster, Rocket Car! Kill! Kill!

Usually by the midpoint of a Rocket League game you’ll know which is the best player on the opposing team. There is no civilization on the Rocket League pitch, so throw sportsmanship out the window. Once you recognize the best player on the enemy Rocket League team KILL THEM KILL THEM KILL THEM KILL THEM KILL THEM.

A T-Bone maneuver is best. If your opponent is dribbling down field, drive straight at their side and give a bolt of boost at the very last moment. If you hit them right they’ll explode, respawning them away from the ball.

Camp and Side Dodge

How many times have you seen the Rocket League ball skirt just in front of the goal line? As a goal draws near in a typical Rocket League match both squads go nuts in front of the goal. And while one option is to pull back if it looks like your teammates have it in hand (rather than contribute to the chaos), you can also camp. No offsides in Rocket League.

Get yourself a few yards in front of the goal and let the chaos bring the ball to you. Now’s the time for that side dodge you mastered in the Rocket League advanced tutorial.

Any other tactics people need to keep in mind while playing Rocket League? Do you have Rocket League disinformation to sew? Join us in the comment section in between rounds of Rocket League.

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