'Paragon', 'Fortnite' Development Might 'Never' End, Says Epic Producer

A new interview with members of the Paragon and Fortnite dev teams suggests Epic Games plans to support both upcoming free-to-play titles much longer than the average new release.
A new interview with members of the Paragon and Fortnite dev teams suggests Epic Games plans to support both upcoming free-to-play titles much longer than the average new release. Photo: Epic Games

It sounds like Epic Games has long-term plans for both Paragon and Fortnite, according to new interviews with members of the studio, and the company’s hopes for each game are so ambitious that an Epic producer development of each may “never” be finished.

The new comments, published by Polygon, come roughly six weeks after Paragon launched its early access program on PC and PlayStation 4. Fortnite remains in development at this time, as it has for several years now, but Epic says it plans to support both projects for however long their respective communities remain active. According to the studio, this shift in development strategies represents a new modus operandi for Epic Games; a shift in thinking that CEO Tim Sweeney partially blames for the ongoing delays to Fortnite .

Sweeney says the studio is no longer focused on creating projects that live and die by their Day One sales. Instead, Epic Games wants to focus on free-to-play offerings; projects that can be molded and reshaped to meet the ever-changing demands of gamers around the globe. The studio recognizes that younger gamers think about video games in a different way than older fans and is hoping it can position itself in a way that benefits from those changing attitudes.

“I don't think, in the modern age, that online games are ever done," Fortnite lead designer Darren Sugg told Polygon . "I think it's an evolution: more polish, more features, things that players want we get to put into the game....as long as we have the ability to update them and the players are interested in us doing it.”

Be sure to check back with iDigitalTimes.com and follow Scott on Twitter for more Paragon news throughout 2016 and for as long as Epic Games supports Paragon in the coming months.

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