No Man’s Sky Patch Notes: Update 3.82 Bug Fixes and Tweaks

No Man’s Sky
No Man’s Sky Steam

No Man’s Sky is a game where players can explore several galaxies, with surviving as the main objective. The game is massive due to the vast number of galaxies present, which makes it vulnerable to bugs. In Update 3.82, the developers were focused on fixing numerous bugs to further stabilize the game.


The Sentinel policing drones are the most common adversary found in No Man’s Sky. It gets easy to destroy once players become stronger. So, to spice things up a notch, the developers have tweaked the damage levels slightly to make it interesting for stronger players.

Space Station Warp Fix

Space Stations are orbiting platforms found in almost every galaxy and used to buy/sell resources, upgrade tools, hire NPC characters, and obtain missions. There was an issue where players were warped outside the Space Station when using quick warp to specific station models. This bug was annoying because being placed outside the station would mean that life support would start depleting before they reach their destination. This issue has been resolved in Update 3.82 and should no longer persist in the future.

No Man’s Sky Patch Notes: Update 3.82

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a number of issues with Sentinel navigation in caves and buildings.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an invisible blocker to prevent access to settlement buildings.
  • Fixed an issue that caused organic companions to generate partially robotic names.
  • Fixed an issue that caused weapons to leave unrepairable terrain impacts within a settlement.
  • Implemented a recovery for players who have ended up with duplicated core technology in their Exosuit inventory.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a duplicate teleporter to appear in the Catalog.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented building mode crosshairs from appearing when building on a freighter.
  • Fixed an issue that could overwrite Space Anomaly NPC dialog for the A Trace of Metal mission, preventing mission progress.
  • Added steps to the automated repair and install pinning instructions to assist players who need to locate an additional Radiant Brain.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Radiant Brains from appearing in the Catalog.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cloaking Device effect to overly darken the screen in VR.
  • Introduced a number of navigation optimizations.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when warping in someone else’s freighter.
  • Fixed a crash related to repair drones.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to weapon reloading.
  • Fixed a crash related to building on a freighter.
  • Fixed a crash related to calculating starship takeoff costs.

You can read more about the update here.

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