Has ‘The Walking Dead' Gone Too Far? Glenn Eye Memes Abound After Gory Season 7 Premiere

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Sorry about Glenn's death, but dude needed to die.
Sorry about Glenn's death, but dude needed to die. AMC

No, The Walking Dead hasn’t gone too far with the Season 7 premiere. In the end, fans got the answer they wanted, even if it was hard to watch.

Okay, maybe Glenn’s eye popping out of his skull was a little much, but the scene was pulled straight from the comic books. ComicBook.com even released a great frame-for-frame breakdown of the scene here. Even Glenn mumbling Maggie’s name was part of his comic book death. As always, the internet didn’t take long to come up with the great memes of the event.

The show won’t be the same without Glenn and Abe, but that’s not a bad thing. Let’s face it, Rick’s group had too much power by the time The Walking Dead Season 6 midseason finale came around. There is a sharp change in the power dynamics to show fans anything can happen in this world.

Will Rick ever recover from the mindfuck Negan played on him in the RV? Probably not anytime soon. Things will get a lot worse for Rick before they get better. Rick needed a reminder that he’s only as strong as the people around him. Without Glenn and Abraham, the group will have to find more creative ways to dealing with threats.

So no, the show hasn’t gone too far with the blood and guts. It needed to brutally establish why fans should hate Negan and the showrunners did just that. Bet that jail cell Morgan built looks pretty great now, right Rick? The Walking Dead S eason 7 airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC.

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