Halo Infinite: Season 2 Update Roadmap Revealed; Features New Maps and Game Modes

Season 2: Lone Wolves Roadmap
Season 2: Lone Wolves Roadmap 343 Industries

Developer 343 Industries is set to launch the second season of Halo Infinite next week. As a teaser, the dev team revealed what players can expect, including the new maps and game modes.

New Maps

Two new maps are going to be introduced in Halo Infinite in Season 2. The first is Catalyst - a symmetrical arena map nested high up inside an expansive, tunnel-like Forerunner structure. Players will find overgrown cathedral walls, waterfalls around the suspended catwalks, and even a light bridge connecting both sides of the map together. According to Tyler Ensrude, multiplayer level designer for Halo Infinite, although the Catalyst map is new, it contains plenty of elements found in Forerunner locations of the Halo universe, especially the Epitaph map from Halo 3.

The second map is called Breaker. It is a pseudo symmetrical BTB (Big Team Battle) set in a Banished scrapyard. It is filled with loads of ship debris and is divided by a cutting beam structure, which is not only for aesthetic purposes but presents certain challenges and opportunities to players as well. Ensrude said that this map was designed specifically for base vs. base combat focused on territorial control.

New Modes

Season 2 is also bringing several new game modes in Halo Infinite. King of the Hill, one of the most popular game modes in Halo, is making a comeback with a new and exciting twist. A neutral hill spawns on the map, and two teams will vie for control over it. Teams that are successful in capturing this neutral zone will fill up their capture bar with a point every second. Once the bar is full, the team gets a point added to their total and a new hill will spawn somewhere else on the map.

Other new modes include Land Grab and the Last Spartan Standing. In Land Grab, players will capture three neutral zones scattered around the map. The Last Spartan Standing is a 12-player free-for-all set in one of the BTB maps where the objective is to survive and beat the competition.


Season 2 Roadmap
Season 2 Roadmap 343 Industries

Aside from the new content, the dev team wants to address issues that negatively impact the player experience. So, they will introduce quality-of-life updates as the season progresses. These changes are called “Drop Pods,” to be dropped as soon as they become available. The team plans to deliver one Drop Pod every month, which will vary in scope and size.

Season 2 Lone Wolves is expected to go live on May 3.

Halo Infinite is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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