‘The Flash’ Season 3 Finale: New Set Video Raises More Questions Than Answers

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Flashpoint made Caitlin Snow a metahuman.
Flashpoint made Caitlin Snow a metahuman. CW

There’s a lot of fans of The Flash jumping to conclusions after new set photos and a video dropped on Twitter and YouTube. But when it comes down to it, these photos really don’t give us any spoilers because it’s impossible to piece together the timeline. Instead of answers to who Savitar is, or how Barry will defeat him or who will die, we’ve got tons of new questions about what to expect in the season finale.

Here’s every solid piece of information we learned from the leak of these two scenes.

-The set video shows Barry, Joe, Jay, Julian, Iris, Cisco, Wally and Harry dressed in all black, almost as if going to a funeral. But here’s the suspicious part -- Barry then says goodbye to each person and takes the hand of a mysterious red-headed woman and walks off the scene.

-Everyone is dressed in funeral attire, except for Gypsy, who is wearing her regular black leather costume. The mysterious woman (really hard to tell who she is) is also dressed differently, in jeans in a white top, suggesting she may be part of the speed force, a vision, or just in Barry’s mind.

-Killer Frost is also on scene, though it’s unclear if she’s participating in the shoot, causing fans to worry she could be the one in the grave. However, if she doesn’t die, battle between her and Vibe as teased in the synopsis for episode 20 must end with the team figuring out how to get a handle on her multiple personality issue.

-The fact Jay Garrick is there suggests Barry somehow saved him from the speed force prison.

-A new character played by Anne Dudek was also spotted in a cemetery scene, which seems to have been filmed before the video leaked. Dudek’s character is named Tracy Brand and she’s described as “a quirky scientist with knowledge of the future who may be the key to stopping Savitar.”

-There are also a few photos of Tom Felton and Grant Gustin goofing around in between takes. The rest of the cast was also at the cemetery , including Joe, Gypsy, Jay and Wally. Considering pretty much all the cast has been present in these shoots, there really aren’t any clues as to who is in that grave.

The most intuitive explanation of that video, since we still don’t know whose death the team is mourning in the cemetery, is that Barry is voluntary choosing to leave and go somewhere, maybe the speed force. There are a few theories about how a version of Barry could be Savitar, but ultimately even if he isn’t, he sacrifices himself into the speed force prison to save Iris and prevent the events he saw would happen when he traveled forward in time to 2024.

Do you have any theories after seeing the set video? Let us know in the comments.

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