FAR: Lone Sails Set For A Switch Release On August 18

The vehicular adventure title is now available to play on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Mixtvision Games announces an August 18 release date for FAR: Lone Sails on the Switch.
Mixtvision Games announces an August 18 release date for FAR: Lone Sails on the Switch. Mixtvision Games

Traversing a post-apocalyptic world alone in a weird makeshift vehicle sounds pretty lonely, but developer Okomotive managed to make it a profound experience with the release of FAR: Lone Sails. The game first released for the PC via Steam in May of last year, followed by console versions for the PS4 and Xbox One earlier this year, back in April. Now, it’s making its way to another platform, one where you can experience the relaxing adventure game in a portable form.

In an announcement yesterday, Okomotive along with publisher Mixtvision Games stated that FAR: Lone Sails will be making its way to the Nintendo Switch this August. The announcement was accompanied by a trailer, which you can watch below.

The 30-second trailer didn’t reveal much else aside from a piece of the gameplay, which showcased the protagonist starting up a gigantic vessel to traverse the post-apocalyptic world. FAR: Lone Sails is first and foremost a vehicle adventure game, wherein you travel a dried-out ocean while following the tracks of a civilization that once thrived. Along the way you’ll pass roadblocks and obstacles, while the looming threat of the hazardous and unstable weather is always at the horizon. Ultimately, your journey seeks to answer two things: where does this path take you? And are you the last of your kind?

While there is a set goal for this journey, FAR: Lone Sails also includes some management mechanics wherein you need to provide short-term necessities. The vessel also needs constant maintenance like refueling and upgrading, which is necessary to meet harder challenges that lie ahead.

The game currently holds a Very Positive reception on Steam, with most users pointing to a rather relaxed and chill experience despite the management mechanics. From the other trailers presented, it looks to be quite atmospheric – just you and this mysterious large vessel, travelling across a desolate and dried seabed on the heels of a trail where you have no idea what lies at the end. All in all, it just spells chasing a mystery at your own pace, and that’s perfect for a laidback afternoon.

FAR: Lone Sails will be releasing for the Nintendo Switch this August 18. It’s now available for the PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

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