The new Dota 2 season in China has finally started and it was an interesting one. The first two matches had EHOME and PSG.LGD beating their respective opponents. Today, we take a look at what happened in those games.
A Clean Sweep
In the first match, it was EHOME against Phoenix Gaming. EHOME was heavily favored and it showed. The first game lasted under 40 minutes with EHOME completely dominating its opponents. Guo "shiro" Xuan'ang had 11 kills while Huang "7e" Heming contributed 10 of his own. The second game was even more of a blowout with Shiro getting 20 kills and zero deaths.
Going for a Comeback
PSG.LGD was highly favored to win TI10. However, they succumbed to Team Spirit and settled for second place. Despite the loss, the team didn't make any changes to its roster, which was good news to its fans. The team also didn't have to "mourn" their loss at the biggest stage of Dota 2 since they needed to prepare for the new season.
Their first opponent was Team Aster, which is also one of China's top teams. Aster had a convincing victory with Zeng "Ori" Jiaoyan getting 16 kills and Lin "Xxs" Jing having 13 kills. That didn't discourage PSG.LGD as they bounced back in the second game to claim victory. Wang "Ame" Chunyu of PSG.LGD even managed to get an Ultrakill.
The third match was also exciting and lasted just a little over 54 minutes. Aster initially had the lead managing to pick off PSG.LGD. However, PSG.LGD won a crucial team fight that propelled them to victory.
Upcoming Matches
For the rest of the week, the matches are:
- January 4
- Vici Gaming vs. LBZS
- PSG.LGD vs. Phoenix Gaming
- Invictus Gaming vs. Royal Never Give Up
- January 7
- Invictus Gaming vs. EHOME
- Vici Gaming vs. Team Aster
- January 9
- Invictus Gaming vs. Phoenix Gaming
- Royal Never Give Up vs. LBZS
- PSG.LGD vs. Vici Gaming
What do you think of the matches so far? What about the lineups for the next matches? Will PSG.LGD continue to dominate?