Immortal Treasure III Gives Another Member Of The Dota 2 Roster Their First Item

Dota 2
Dota 2 Valve

The next batch of Immortal Treasures from this year’s International have been released to the Dota 2 community. It’s the first year since the International’s inception that the treasures haven’t been directly purchasable. But it’s safe to assume there will be plenty of Dota 2 players willing to buy more Battle Pass levels in exchange for another set of Immortal items.

This marks the third time in as many months Valve has introduced a new set of Immortal items. The first Immortal Treasure, released alongside the TI7 Battle Pass, brought new gear for Broodmother, Bristleback, Clinkz, Crystal Maiden, Lifestealer, Monkey King and Sniper. It also introduced new seasonal items, called Relics, which are only good until next year’s International Battle Pass hits the market. Immortal Treasure II delivered new equipment for Bloodseeker, Chaos Knight, Elder Titan, Keeper of the Light, Lina, Necrophos, Pudge and Treant Protector. Players also had a small chance of receiving a Golden Immortal Treasure II, featuring a special gold version of the Chaos Knight, Lina or Pudge item.

Everyone who owns a Battle Pass, now or before the current season ends on Sept. 1, will receive one free Immortal Treasure III. Inside they’ll find one of six new Immortals, including the very first equippable item ever released for Viper. Legion Commander, Sand King, Spectre, Weaver and Winter Wyvern round out the list of heroes getting new Immortal-tier gear this weekend. As usual, there will also be Very Rare and Ultra Rare bonus drops in some chests. Valve says each Immortal Treasure III you open increases the odds of finding the very rare Golden version of Weaver’s new Immortal. The luckiest of the lucky will find an ultra rare sword for Sven waiting alongside whatever Immortal item they pull from the chest.

Additional Immortal Treasure III chests won’t be easy to come by. Players get one free chest when they activate their TI7 Battle Pass. But the next one won’t show up until your digital activity and guidebook reaches level 167. You’ll get another at Levels 176, 191 and 200. And every 30 levels after the 200 mark. Players also earn “bonus packs” of Immortal Treasures. Three are awarded at Level 125 and 10 are awarded at level 375. But you’ll probably need to buy a few levels (the $9.99 sets of 24 seem popular) to hit most of those milestones.

Dota 2 is currently available for Windows and OS X.

Be sure to check back with Player.One and follow Scott on Twitter for additional Dota 2 news throughout 2017 and however long Valve supports Dota 2 in the years ahead.

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