Deep Rock Galactic Update: Modding Support and Bug Fixes

Deep Rock Galactic Mod Support
Deep Rock Galactic Mod Support Steam

Deep Rock Galactic recently received an update that added new content and fixed bugs. The new mod menu allows players to have easy access to enable and disable mods. The mods will be separated into three categories: Verified, Approved, and Sandbox.

These categories will separate the ones that affect gameplay from the ones that just make cosmetic changes. Sandbox and Approved mods come with restrictions, while Verified mods can be used directly without heavy limitations.

The developers also fixed an issue where players could not join games, if they had just joined a game and were unable to connect because another player joined at the same time. This occurred because of the delay between the server and the players joining simultaneously.

Deep Rock Galactic Update

Bug Fixes
  • Added a new tab in the ESC menu for Modding Support
  • Added a new Stabber Vine killcry callout
  • Added support for a "-disablemodding" command line argument that can be added to the Steam launch options to disable mods if you encounter crashes
  • Added support for a shared Save Game between the live branch and the translation branch
  • Added subtitles to the noise that is made when throwing to fix an issue with blank subtitles
  • Added subtitles to a defense callout to fix an issue with blank subtitles
  • Added subtitles to coughing and grunting noises to fix an issue with blank subtitles
  • Added subtitles to dashing noises to fix an issue with blank subtitles
  • Added subtitles to the Burning Love reactions to fix an issue with blank subtitles
  • Added subtitles to the Gut Wrecker reactions to fix an issue with blank subtitles
  • Added subtitles to the Mactera Brew reactions to fix an issue with blank subtitles
  • Added localizability to Mastery Unlock pop-ups
  • Added localizability to Liquid Morkite Well on the Laser Pointer
  • Added localizability to Deep Dive Instructions in the Deep Dive Terminal
  • Added localizability to missing strings on the Restore Save overlay
  • Fixed typos in the subtitles when transferring Lost Equipment coordinates to the Terrain Scanner
  • Fixed a typo in the quotes for Fungus Bogs biome
  • Fixed typos and incorrect capitalization in the subtitles when the Drop Pod is called
  • Fixing another save has more progress popup, even though another save does not have more progress
  • Fixed typos in all subtitles related to upgrading Bosco, perks, or equipment
  • Fixed a typo in the subtitles when waiting for departure in the Drop Pod
  • Fixed typos in subtitles when waking up in the cabin and in the Medbay

You can read more about the update here.

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