Crisis On Earth X Crossover’s Impact On The Arrowverse, Explained

Spoilers for Crisis on Earth X Crossover Parts 1 & 2 ahead.
Spoilers for Crisis on Earth X Crossover Parts 1 & 2 ahead. CW

This year’s Arrowverse crossover, “Crisis On Earth-X,” had enough memorable moments to make it worth a second watch. But what plot points will have a long-lasting effect on the individual Flash, Supergirl, Legends, and Arrow shows?

Eobard Thawne Alive?

When Earth-X’s speedster revealed himself as Eobard Thawne (disguised as Harrison Wells, just to fuck with Barry), The Flash was taken aback. And we were too… how the hell? Thawne has been killed or erased from the timeline again and again. First he was erased by Eddie's suicide while trying to kill Barry, and then by Hunter Zolomon (aka Black Flash) while trying to kill White Canary.

Thawne cites “time travel stuff” as the reason for his existence, but how did he end up on Earth X in a world where Nazis won WWII? We have no idea. It’s likely he’s just some sort of time remnant, or version of Earth-1 Thawne from a different timeline. If you remember back to Flashpoint, Thawne helped Barry restore the timeline (by allowing Reverse-Flash to kill Barry’s mother all over again). Thawne warned Barry there would be changes he wouldn’t immediately recognize, and it’s possible Thawne’s Earth-X existence is part of that.

In the end, Barry let Eobard Thawne escape ( even though he had a chance to kill him). Before Thawne left, he told Barry next time they see each other, he’ll be unrecognizable. Since Barry won’t kill, the result of their next confrontation should be fairly interesting. Although, we may end up seeing Reverse-Flash on Supergirl at some point, as Thawne teased he fights Superman sometime in the future. That could be better considering we’ve seen Thawne wayy too many times on The Flash.

Will We See The Ray Again?

In the comics, The Ray is Raymond Terrill, once a reporter investigating government scientists researching light weapons. But the project exposed him to a genetic light bomb, granting him the ability to absorb, store and process light -- meaning he can fly and create bursts of radiation. That’s when he joined the Freedom Fighters.

What’s most curious about the TV show is that The Ray is actually from Earth-1. How did he end up presumably stranded on Earth-X? We have yet to find out his origins, but they’ll likely be explored on the animated series Freedom Fighters: The Ray animated series on CW Seed.

Citizen Cold staying?

In the crossover, we learned The Ray and Citizen Cold (who goes by Leo) are married. Yet at the end of the episodes, Leo decides to stay on Earth-1. Why would he leave his husband behind? Possibly to provide some resolution for the Legends before Wentworth Miller leaves the Arrowverse for good. Dominic Purcell and Miller have been an iconic action duo ever since Prison Break years ago. They reprised their partnership for DCTV, and it’s only right we see them team up once again. But knowing Snart, he’s got to have some sort of mission.

Sara & Alex ?

At first, it seemed like Alex and White Canary only met for a one-night stand. They develop a deeper friendship later, when Supergirl’s life is in danger. Sara shares the story of Black Canary’s death and her tumultuous relationship with Nyssa, and now the two characters have incredible chemistry. Even if we don't see them together again, it will be interesting to discover how the encounter shapes each character’s romantic life.

Olicity Official

Worst wedding guests ever. Not only did Felicity make the rehearsal dinner quite awkward, she also interrupted the impromptu wedding ceremony (since, you know, the first one was interrupted by Earth-X Nazis). After telling Oliver she didn’t believe in marriage and loved their relationship as-is, the crisis changed her mind. She asked Oliver to marry her right after Iris and Barry finished their vows. How will this affect the series moving forward? Hopefully not too much, as it seemed the writers finally started to get Olicity’s relationship right.

West-Allen Wedding

Yes, Iris and Barry finally being married is a big deal, but a moment at the wedding itself was an even bigger deal. A young woman approaches Barry to tell him how excited she is to be at the wedding and says it’s “one for the ages.” When Barry asks if he should recognize her, she says no, there’s no way he would. Is she from the future? And if so, is she Iris and Barry’s daughter or granddaughter? This could have a serious impact on future seasons of The Flash.


RIP Martin Stein. The man Jax affectionately calls “grey” sacrificed himself to defeat the Earth-X villains. Though he was due for retirement any day, his passing will still have a serious effect on the Legends. Not only is there currently no Firestorm, but how can Jax move on without his father figure, mentor and partner who he’s been telepathically connected with for years? While Jax’s mechanical talents are well-served in the Waverider, it will be interesting to see if the Ray can figure out a way for Jax to have powers or harness the Firestorm abilities again… even if it means finding a new person to bond with.

Any impactful moments we missed? Let us know in the comments.

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