Age of Darkness: Final Stand Update v0.8.0 Adds New Units and New Ability For Edwin

Age of Darkness: Final Stand
Age of Darkness: Final Stand Steam

Age of Darkness: Final Stand recently received a new update that added two new units, new hero abilities, and bug fixes.

New Ability

The developers bestowed Edwin with a new ability called Flame Shield that engulfs his body in flames, which can absorb damage received from enemies. After the shield is depleted or timed out, it will deal damage to nearby targets. So, tank up the damage and get close to multiple targets to maximize this ability.

New Units

This update brought two new units in Cultists and Hunters. The Hunters replace the Arbalest, but they have more damage with their trap ability. The Hunters are ranged troops and can place down traps in advance to catch enemies off guard.

The Cultists replace the Soldier Units. Don’t underestimate them because of their low unit cost. They have decent armor shredding value and very low training time, ideal in the early game.

Age of Darkness: Final Stand Update v0.8.0

Fixes and Changes
  • Fixed an issue where Shift Select was not functioning correctly and adding Units to a control group.
  • Fixed an issue where Shift Select was not functioning correctly when selecting multiple buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where Ctrl Select was not functioning and deselecting Units in a control group.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ironworks 2 Skill cost 150 gold and 75 Stone instead of 150 wood and 75 Stone.
  • Fixed an issue where Melee Units could not path around buildings to attack Enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where Vizargo’s Serenity attack animations were playing incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where a delay would occur between the spawning animation for an Elite and the enemy appearing.
  • Fixed an issue where Units would play the incorrect animation when going from idle to run.
  • Fixed an issue where ranged Units could be pushed into the Tower when ejected.
  • Fixed an issue where a Camp Point of Interest could spawn the wrong units.
  • Fixed an issue where Map terrain elements would spawn in incorrect locations.
  • Fixed an issue where the Storehouse UI displayed Food resources provided despite Storehouses not providing Food.
  • Fixed an issue where the Vision from destroyed Buildings would remain after loading a Save File.
  • Fixed an issue where the text overlaps with the UI on the Victory/Defeat screen in Russian.
  • Fixed an issue where certain Blessings and Malices could soft-lock the game.
  • Fixed an issue where the Submit a Bug/Feedback was not functioning correctly.

You can read more about the update here.

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