‘Kirby: Planet Robobot’ Copy Abilities: Every Absorbable Power And How To Perform Each Move

Kirby's new Poison and Doctor abilities in 'Kirby: Planet Robobot'
Kirby's new Poison and Doctor abilities in 'Kirby: Planet Robobot' Nintendo

Kirby: Planet Robobot is available now and the latest Kirby adventure brings us more Kirby goodness and, of course, his signature abilities.

Heck, Kirby has some new abilities in Planet Robobot, and he’ll need all of them to defeat the invaders.

Here’s a handy list of all the abilities in Planet Robobot with the controls for each ability, starting with the new ones.



One of Kirby’s newest abilities, the Doctor ability lets Kirby launch pills at the enemy and even concoct some potions. Kirby can make four different potions: one will create fire, one will create ice, the third will create electricity and the last will heal Kirby.

These effects are random, however.

Press and release B - Bouncing Capsule

Press and hold B, and then release - Pill Bopper

DOWN - hold B extra long, and then release - Science Lab

A/Guard during Science Lab - Research Vault

UP + B - Spray Medicine

Dash + release B in midair - Bandage Spin

Dash + hold B in midair - Pharmacy

Dash + B - Clipboard Bash


The Poison ability gives Kirby the power of pollution where he can slide across a poison trail. However, the trick with this ability is that the trail of poison stays on the floor and damages any enemy that travels across it.

Press and release B - Sticky Toxin

B repeatedly near an enemy - Poison Pummel (Toxic Swamp)

Dash + B - Toxic Slide

Hold B - Toxic Smog

UP + B - Toxic Tower

LEFT or RIGHT during Toxic Tower - Tilted Toxic Tower

Down + B in midair

Dash + quickly tap B in midair - Toxic Ball


Kirby turns into a clown with the Circus ability, giving our hero some nifty acrobatic moves and some of the circus props at his disposal.

Press and release B - Somersault

B + LEFT - Backsault

Dash, and then press and release B - Fire-Hoop Jump

DOWN + B - Ball Balance

UP + B - Baton

UP + B repeatedly - Fire Baton

DOWN, and then UP + B - Trampoline

During Trampoline, UP + B in midair - Acrobatics

Press and hold B - Balloon Pop Art


If you’re familiar with Ness from Earthbound and Super Smash Bros , the ESP abilities are very similar to what he can do.

Kirby with the ESP ability lets the pink puffball shoot electric fields you can control with the control pad. You can also turn invisible by hitting the B-button while dashing.

Press and release B - Psychokinesis

Hold B + direction - PK Shift

Hold B for a long time before moving - PK Electroshift

Dash + hold B - Vanish

Vanish then release B - Reappear

L/R right before getting hit - PK Evade

L/R when getting hit - PK Insight



This is the first copy ability you get in the game and it’s an odd one. The main use of the Spark ability is to constantly move Kirby around using the Control Pad until Kirby gathers a charge. You can use certain abilities depending on how much you charge.

A small charge unleashes the Spark Arrow while a medium charge gives you the Spark Laser. Full charge unleashes the Spark Wave, which inflicts major damage.

B - Spark Attack

Directional pad in various direction - Charge Power

Small Charge + B - Spark Arrow

Medium Charge + B - Spark Laser

Full Charge + B - Spark Wave

Created by Charge Power - Spark Barrier

UP + B - Thunderbolt

DOWN + B in midair - Lightning Strike


The classic Cutter ability lets Kirby throw a boomerang to hit enemies from far away, and also allows Kirby to unleash some devastating combos to eliminate enemies.

B - Cutter Boomerang

Hold B and release - Hyper Boomerang

Dash + B - Cutter Dash

Press and Hold B while in midair - Sweep Cutter

DOWN + B in midair - Cutter Drop

B when near an enemy - Cleaving Cutter

B repeatedly when near an enemy - Final Cutter


The Beam ability lets Kirby shoot electricity from his wand. Not only does it act like a whip, it can be charged and shot as a projectile weapon.

Press and release B - Beam Whip

Dash + B - Cycle Beam

Dash + B in midair - Beam Blast

Press and hold B, and then release - Wave Beam

Either UP or RIGHT + B near an enemy - Capture Beam


Using the Ice ability allows Kirby to freeze enemies with his ice breath. Ice is also handy for fire stages where you can cool down hot platforms or even freeze water geysers to use a platform.

Kirby can also glide along the floor instead of running.

Dash - Ice Skate

B - Ice Breath

B in midair - Ice Sprinkle

Dash + B in midair - Super Ice Sprinkle

Dash + Hold B or press B repeatedly - Ice Storm

DOWN + B while dashing - Ice Ball

Either UP or RIGHT + B while near an enemy - Ice Suction

Ice Suction + B - Ice Ejection

When touching ice - Ice Kick

L/R - Ice Block

While using Ice Block, release L/R - Ice Scatter


The Bomb ability lets Kirby toss bombs. Players can adjust the angle of where you toss the bombs and you can even throw a bomb and detonate whenever you want from a distance.

Kirby can also place bombs next to an enemy.

Press and hold B - Bomb Prep

Release B during Bomb Prep - Bomb Throw

Direction during Bomb Prep - Target Throw

Don't release bomb during Bomb Prep - Self-Destruct

Dash + B - Bomb Bowl

B near an enemy - Bomb Drop

DOWN + B - Bomb Set


The Stone ability is perfect for sliding down slopes. Use the ability and Stone Kirby will slide down the slopes, destroying anything in its path. This ability is also great to avoid damage when possible, just be careful not to use it where there’s no ground beneath you.

B - Stone Change

B in midair - Stone Smash

Dash + B - Turbo Stone

DOWN + B in midair - Heavy Smash

UP + press and release B - Stone Uppercut

UP and hold B - Mighty Uppercut

B when on a slope - Slope Slide

Dash whil transformed - Spin


The Parasol ability protects Kirby from falling enemies without Kirby having to do anything. It also allows for Kirby to float in the air to help him reach certain platforms.

B - Parasol Swing

Press and hold B - Parasol Shield

Either LEFT or RIGHT during Parasol Shield - Change Shield Direction

Dash + B - Parasol Drill

DOWN + B - Parasol Twirl

DOWN + B in midair - Parasol Dive

Either UP or RIGHT + B near an enemy - Circus Throw

Activates while falling - Parasol Drift

B while swimming - Underwater Parasol Drill

B while floating on water's surface - Surface Drill Spray

DOWN + B while swimming - Underwater Parasol Dive


The Fire ability lets Kirby shoot fire from his mouth and turn into a fireball while he’s running, making him invulnerable to damage.

You also use the Fire ability to light fuses on cannons to launch Kirby into different areas that are normally unaccessible.

B - Fire Breath

Fire Breath + DIRECTIONAL - Target Fire

Press and hold LEFT during Fire Breath - Fireball Inferno

Dash + B - Burn

A during Burn - Searing Burn

DOWN + B in midair - Fireball Spin

Touch the ground during Fireball Spin - Fireball Roll

Press A during Fireball Roll - Fireball Jump

Touch a wall during Fireball Roll or Fireball Spin - Fireball Climb


Another classic ability, the Mirror ability lets Kirby reflect projectiles and pass through enemies.

B - Mirror Cut

Hold B - Reflect Force

Dash + B - Mirror Body

UP + B - Mirror Body (Sky)

DOWN + B - Mirror Body (Ring)

L/R - Reflect Guard


The Archer ability lets Kirby become a master at long-distance fighting. You can aim and shoot arrows from your quiver and depending on how long you hold the B-button, which will determine the type of arrow will be shot.

Press and release B - Shot

Hold B to charge, and then release - Snipe Shot

Hold B longer before releasing - Magic-Star Arrow

While holding B, press either UP or DOWN - Sharpshooter

UP + press and release B - Sky Shot

UP + press and hold B and then release - Sky-Shot Shower

Dash + B - Arrow Slash

Dash + B in midair - Leaping Quiver

DOWN - Camouflage

B during Camouflage - Hitman

Either LEFT or RIGHT during Camouflage - Crawl


The Leaf ability allows for Kirby to create a shield of leaves or summon a whirlwind of leaves to attack enemies.

B - Leaf Attack

Press and hold B - Leaf Swirl

Release B during Leaf Swirl - Leaf Scatter

Dash + B - Leaf Dance

UP + B - Leaf Uppercut

DOWN + B in midair - Leaf Rain

L/R - Leaf Hide

During Leaf Hide, release L/R - Reveal


The Whip ability allows Kirby to grab items that may be out of reach. Of course, your whip is also a deadly weapon in Kirby’s hands.

Press and release B - Whip Strike

B repeatedly - 100-Whip Slap

UP + release B - Ceiling Strike

DOWN + B in midair - Jump Strike

Dash + B - 100-Whip Dash

DOWN, and then UP + B - Whip Tornado

Hold and release B - Whip Grab

Whip Grab + B/ Whip Grab + RIGHT - Front Lash

Whip Grab + DOWN - Double Lash

Whip Grab + LEFT - Back Lash

Whip Grab + UP - High Lash


The Wheel ability lets Kirby travel at a breakneck speed. It also makes Kirby invincible as long as you are dashing, so be careful for walls that may stop your momentum.

B - Dash

Press B during Dash - Stop Dash

Press A during Dash - Jump

DOWN DOWN during Dash in midair - Downshift

Hold and release DOWN during Dash - Rocket Start

A during Rocket Start - Sky Wheel

LEFT during Dash - Turn

Press LEFT, RIGHT repeatedly during Dash - Turn Jump


The Sword ability lets Kirby become a master swordsman and perform combos and high damage attacks, like Link’s Down Thrust or his Spin attack.

B - Overhead Slash

B (with full health) - Sword Beam

B after Overhead Slash - Multisword Attack

Dash + B - Drill Stab

Dash + B in midair - Sword Spin

B in midair - Chop and Thrust

Chop and Thurst, then DOWN + B in midair - Hat Thrust

DOWN + B - Down Thurst

UP + B - Upward Slash

DOWN + B while rising during Upward Slash - Sword Dive

Hold B and then release - Spin Slash

Press and hold B and then release + UP - Sky Energy Sword

B while swimming - Underwater Spin


Another mode of transportation, the Jet ability lets Kirby dash at an extreme speed. It’s not continuous like the wheel, but you can definitely master air fighting with this ability.

Release B - Kick

UP + quickly tap B - Somersault

Release B in midair - Jet Headbutt

Hold B - Store Power

Store Power and then release B - Jet Kick

Store Power fully, and then release B - Jet Dash

Jet Dash, and then hit a wall - Jet Burst

Jet dash, and then B - Jet Cracker

UP or RIGHT + B near an enemy - Jet Catch

Jet Catch, and then release B - Jet Blow

Store Power fully, and then Jet Blow - Rocket Dive

Store Power fully, and then A/Guard - Charge Stock

A in midair - Hover

Store Power fully, and then A in midair - Ultra Jet Jump


Become a master shinobi with the Ninja ability. With this ability, Kirby is a proficient hand-to-hand and long-range fighter utilizing shuriken and kicks to defeat enemies. You can also hang onto walls and wall climb.

Press and release B - Knife Throw

Press and hold B - Shock

Dash + B - Stealth Slash

Press DOWN + B in midair - Ninja Kick

DOWN + B - Smoke Screen

UP, and then DOWN + B - Blossom Storm

Press and hold B near an enemy - Quad Shock

Either of UP, RIGHT + B near an enemy - Air Drop

Hold LEFT or RIGHT against a wall in midair - Wall Cling

B during Wall Cling - Wall Strike

A during Wall Cling - Wall Jump

L/R right before being attacked - Clone Technique

B while floating on water's surface - Stealth Water Gun


The ultimate ability for close combat fighters, the Fighter ability gives Kirby some awesome kick and punch combos to pulverize enemies.

Not to mention the ability to use the hadoken.

Tap B (or press repeateadly) - Vulcan Jab

Press and hold B - Smash Punch

Dash + release B - Leg Sweep

Dash + press and hold B - Spin Kick

Release B in midair - Down Kick

Press and hold B in midair - Double Kick

UP + press and hold B - Rising Break

DOWN + B in midair - Sky Kick

DOWN + hold B shortly before releasing - Force Blast

DOWN + hold B even longer before releasing - Mega Force Blast

DOWN + hold B even longer before releasing - Giga Force Blast

DOWN RIGHT + press and hold B - Instant Mega Force Blast

Release B near an enemy in midair - Moon Somersault Kick

Either of UP RIGHT + B near an enemy - Foe Grab

Foe Grab + B, or Foe Grab + either UP, RIGHT - Arm Throw

Foe Grab + either of LEFT, DOWN - Judo Throw


The Hammer ability gives Kirby a giant hammer to pummel his enemies. You can charge up your hammer for massive damage or swing it around in the air or while dashing. You can even use it while you’re swimming.

B - Hammer

DOWN + B - Hammer Twirl

Dash + B - Hammer Swing

B in midair - Giant Swing

Dash + B in midair - Ultra-Giant Swing

UP + B - Hammer Flip

Dash + X - Hammer Throw

B while swimming - Underwater Wheel



Another limited ability. The Crash ability can only be used once but it’s a devastating attack that can take out bosses.

B and then release - Crash Fireball

Hold B and mash directional pad and then release - Supernova


The Mike ability is a unique skill, as it only has a finite number of uses (three to be exact).

Each time Kirby uses the Mike ability, he will perform a different tune and any enemy close enough will be destroyed.

B (first press) - Megaphone

B (second press) - Desk Mike

B (third press) - Stand Mike

Hold B and mash Directional (third press) - Encore

Smash Bros.

This unique skill gives Kirby all his attacks in the Super Smash Bros. games. You’ll have access to his cutter uppercuts, stone smash and a plethora of other attacks.

B - Vulcan Jab

Dash + release B - Smash Kick

B in midair - Twinkle Star

RIGHT + release B - Hammer Flip

RIGHT + B in midair - Giant Swing

Dash + RIGHT + B in midair - Ultra-Giant Swing

UP + B - Final Cutter

DOWN + B - Stone Change

DOWN + B - Stone Smash

UP + RIGHT + B near an enemy - Air Drop

L/R - Shield


This is Kirby’s most useless ability as it doesn’t do anything but if you happen to get it or swallow an enemy that has this ability, you will immediately fall asleep no matter where you are, so be cautious.

Press Directional Pad in various directions - Early Wake-Up

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