‘Supergirl’ Season 2 Episode 15 Recap: Kara Gets The Axe And A Daxam Ship Arrives

See Supergirl's Super move in Injustice 2
See Supergirl's Super move in Injustice 2 CW

Last week, Jeremiah Danvers turned on his daughters, hacked the DEO, and provided CADMUS with a list of all the aliens in the alien registry. This week, Kara prevents hundreds of aliens from being deported back to their home planets.

Supergirl Season 2 episode 15 Recap

In Supergirl Season 2 episode 15, “Exodus,” CADMUS has already abducted 20 aliens. Kara really wants to warn the public about CADMUS’ plan to exterminate them all, but Snapper Carr won’t let her because her only source is Supergirl and the DEO, which is an anonymous organization. Kara leaves the office in a huff.

After an attack on the Supergirl casts’ favorite alien bar, Winn’s new girlfriend and a bunch of other aliens get kidnapped by CADMUS. Alex, still worried about Jeremiah even after he turned on the team, tortures a man to find out CADMUS location. J’onzz gives her a warning to change her behavior and visits her house disguised as Jeremiah to test her loyalty. When Alex fails J’onzz’s test by offering Jeremiah help, she’s suspended from the DEO.

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Meanwhile, Lillian Luthor gives Kara the idea to post the CADMUS story on a blog, instead of CATCO magazine. Luthor also offers to help Kara find more evidence on CADMUS’ plans and to help find the location of the lab where her mother is holding the aliens hostage. But by the time Supergirl finds out the location, Alex is already there, trying to sway Jeremiah back to her side. Unfortunately, Lillian Luthor has already loaded the aliens into a spaceship to send them back to their planets. Alex begs Jeremiah to help her stop the spaceship from taking off, and he agrees.

But Alex can’t stop the ship in time. It takes of with Alex and the aliens inside and now it’s up to Supergirl to push it back to Earth. (Is it bad I kinda wanted Alex to end up in space?) Supergirl saves the day, but gets fired by Snapper Carr for publishing the CADMUS article to a blog and posting it onTwitter.

CLIFFHANGER: Teri Hatcher and Kevin Sorbo’s characters, who appear to be the leaders of Daxam, are approaching Earth in search of Mon-El. His secret will come out next episode.

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