'Mass Effect: Andromeda' Plot Details Revealed In Andromeda Initiative Video

An Ark in Mass Effect: Andromeda
An Ark in Mass Effect: Andromeda BioWare

While there wasn’t much to the Mass Effect: Andromeda cinematic trailer just released by BioWare, another trailer has provided some much-needed plot details about the next Mass Effect game. The trailer, which can be seen on the Andromeda Initiative website, explains some crucial details regarding the storyline of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

As explained in the video, humanity and other alien races will be travelling for 600 years onboard several massive ships called Arks. These arks will leave from the Milky Way Galaxy and travel to Andromeda. There will be two human arks, called the Hyperion and Nexus. Gian Garson, the person in the video whose name I may have misspelled, will be on the Nexus. There will also be three other arks coming, each with a different species. Based on what we know so far, there will likely be an Asari, Turian and Salarian ark.

Each ark will have its own Pathfinder. Pathfinders are a blend of an elite soldier, scientist and guide. Combine this information with what we’ve seen in the trailer released earlier today, and it looks like Ryder will become the new Pathfinder for whatever ark you end up on.

Pathfinders are also trained to use advanced weapons and biotics, operating machinery like the Mako and interacting with new alien species for the first time.

The ultimate goal for the Andromeda Initiative is to settle permanently in the Andromeda Galaxy and eventually create a reliable route between it and the Milky Way Galaxy. Several planets have already been investigated and deemed suitable to explore by the Initiative, so those will likely be the places you go to first.

As for other news, we know who will be voicing the Ryder siblings in Mass Effect: Andromeda. It has been confirmed that Scott and Sarah Ryder are siblings, and both will be incorporated into the story regardless of which one you choose to play as. Scott will be voiced by Tom Taylorson and Sarah will be played by Fryda Wolff. Oddly enough, both performers have been featured in the game OctoDad: Dadliest Catch amongst other work.

So what do you think? Are you excited to explore uncharted worlds at the Pathfinder in Mass Effect: Andromeda? What else do you want to know before the Spring 2017 release? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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