How To Get Free 'League Of Legends' Icons For Zaun And The Lunar Revel

Don't miss out on your free League of Legends Zaun and Lunar Revel icons
Don't miss out on your free League of Legends Zaun and Lunar Revel icons Riot Games

Two free League of Legends icons are up for grabs for Zaun and the Lunar Revel. To get them, all you have to do is go to the page on Riot’s website, scroll to the bottom and claim your free, awesome-looking icon. Different regions have different pages, so make sure you are logged in on the right Riot website.

If you are on the NA server, get your Zaun icon here and your Lunar icon here .

Every year, League of Legends has an event to celebrate the Lunar Revel or the Chinese New year. Skins covered in jade and gold get released, with this year’s batch looking heavenly. Warring Kingdoms Garen, Vi and the boss man, Azir, are available now. You have until Feb. 2 to get the icon and the skins.

Zaun is a dangerous place filled with the most evil characters in all of Runeterra. In honor of Warwick’s Visual Update and Rework, LoL is gifting players a way to remember that there’s always someone looking out for you from below. Don’t wait, you only have until Feb. 16 to get the icon before it disappears forever.

I’m a League of Legends icon junkie; I’ve been collecting ever since you had to buy RP bundles for the Harrowing bundle all the way back in 2012. Everyone always remembers how awesome skins are and icons often get left out. LoL icons are the red-headed stepchildren of League.

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